Latvia: Gambling in the Baltic ParadiseLetonia – Gamblingul în Paradisul Baltic
by Oana Mihalache Latvia stands for a small gambling empire. The Republic of Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe and it’s bordered by Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus and by a maritime border to the west with Sweden. Latvia was established as a democratic parliamentary republic in 1918 and gained its independence from the Ex-Soviet Union in 1991. The capital city is Riga, which was also declared the European...
Daniel Negreanu, membru al Team PokerStars Pro, a câștigat cea de-a cincea brățară a World Series of Poker* (WSOP) și premiul în valoare de 1.079.443 de dolari în Evenimentul Principal al WSOP Asia Pacific, la Crown Casino din Melbourne, în Australia. O dată cu acest premiu, câștigurile totale acumulate de Negreanu pe parcursul carierei se ridică la peste 17 milioane de dolari, jucătorul consolidându-şi astfel poziția a 6-a pe...
Great start for Horseshoe Casino CincinnatiUn start excelent pentru Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati
Ohio’s newest casino, the Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati made just over $21 million in its first month of operation. Along with the State’s other three casinos all saw double-digit percentage increases for the month aswell which were released on Monday 8th April by the Ohio Casino Control Commission. The Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati cost some $400 million to build and opened on the 4th March, the figures released show just under a...
Macau revenues rise 8% for November Veniturile din Macao au crescut cu 8% in Noiembrie
Macau’s gambling revenues saw a rise of nearly 8% for November, the world’s largest casino market, rose 7.9% for the month year-on-year, boosted by strong spending from China’s emerging middle class who have continued to flock across the border to the enclave. November’s revenue was US$3.12 billion, data from Macau’s Gaming Inspection and Co-ordination bureau showed on Monday. The figure was in line with analyst estimates predicting a...
Federal online poker law wanted by Nevada Governor Guvernatorul Nevadei dorește legislație federală pentru pokerul online
Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has sent a letter to federal lawmakers supporting a bill to legalize online poker. Sandoval’s letter, sent last week, was delivered to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. It outlines the reasoning for a federal framework enabling states to regulate their own gaming industries in the online world....