Parteneriat ROMBET – Remote Gambling Association RGA
14 aug. 2014

Parteneriat ROMBET – Remote Gambling Association RGA

Președintele Asociației organizatorilor de jocuri de noroc ROMBET, Dan Ghiță, și directorul Remote Gambling Association (RGA), Brian Wright, au semnat un protocol de cooperare prin care se angajează să conlucreze pentru binele industriei jocurilor de noroc. Remote Gambling Association, cu sediul central la Londra, reprezintă interesele celor mai importanți și mai bine cotați operatori și furnizori de software de gambling online din...

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Revel to close in SeptemberRevel se va inchide in Septembrie
13 aug. 2014

Revel to close in SeptemberRevel se va inchide in Septembrie

The Revel Casino Hotel is to close on September 10th with the loss of 3,100 jobs. The casino resort which only opened for business two years ago with a cost of $2.4 billion has never once turned a profit. It was hoped that a delay in bankruptcy court hearings last week by company officials looking into a buyer for the casino hotel would uncover a suitor, but sadly the Revel’s board met on Monday 11th August, with the decision to close...

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Admiral si Net Bet au inceput o noua colaborare
28 iul. 2014

Admiral si Net Bet au inceput o noua colaborare

In urma informatiilor primite pe adresa redactiei, aflam ca Admiral a demarat o noua colaborare cu organizatorul de pariuri Net Bet.  Net Bet incearca astfel sa penetreze piata de pariuri romaneasca deschizand  locatii de pariuri in nu mai putin de 13 sali apartinand Admiral. Pariorii pot merge in locatile Admiral pentru a beneficia de oferta Net Bet de la urmatoarele adrese: Str.Sos.Nicolae Titulescu, 81-87, Bl.10, Parter,...

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Harrah’s Casino Tunica closes its doors for goodHarrah’s Casino din Tunica își închide porțile definitiv
11 iun. 2014

Harrah’s Casino Tunica closes its doors for goodHarrah’s Casino din Tunica își închide porțile definitiv

  The dice are no longer rolling and the slots aren’t spinning at Harrah’s Casino in Tunica. The casino lights went out for good a little after midnight recently and 1,300 employees are now looking for work. For many people, the closure marks the end of an era in gaming in Tunica County. The lights at Harrah’s Casino Tunica were still flashing brightly a few minutes before midnight on Sunday, June 1. But there are no winners...

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Mongolia wants to legalise gambling and horse racingMongolia vrea să legalizeze gamblingul și cursele de cai
12 mai 2014

Mongolia wants to legalise gambling and horse racingMongolia vrea să legalizeze gamblingul și cursele de cai

The Mongolia government are set to propose new laws which will allow professional horse racing and at the same time legalise betting in an attempt to entice Chinese gamblers when the Hong Kong horse racing season closes. According to a report in Bloomberg the Mongolian government will approach the Hong Kong Jockey Club for their horses and jockeys while they are in the closed season to hold horse race meetings. The Hong Kong season...

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