World Poker Tour: Anthony Gregg Wins Parx Open Poker ClassicWPT : Anthony Gregg câștigă Parx Open Poker Classic
Anthony Gregg won the World Poker Tour Parx Open Poker Classic on Wednesday night near Philadelphia. This inaugural event that kicked off the U.S. leg of Season XI for the WPT attracted a field of 500 players and Gregg stood alone at the top of the field as the champion. He takes home $416,127 in prize money and his first major title, after coming so close with a runner-up finish at the 2009 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure. Gregg was at his best in the heads-up final against second-place finisher Stephen Reynolds, where Gregg came in with a 2-1 chip disadvantage, but he eventually took control and won the tournament. Gregg has been close many times before on the tournament trail and tonight he can claim the role of champion. He takes his careers earnings to $2,784,423 with the victory.
Final-Table Results:
1. Anthony Gregg – $416,127
2. Stephen Reynolds – $244,877
3. Chris Lee – $158,450
4. Larry Sharp – $108,034
5. Chris Vandeursen – $76,824
6. Andre Nyffeler – $61,619Anthony Gregg a câștigat WPT- Parx Open Poker Classic miercuri noapte lângăPhiladelphia. Acest eveniment inaugural care a dat startul sezonului american cu numărul XI, a atras la WPT un număr de 500 de jucători iar Gregg a ajuns în fruntea acestora, fiind campion. El duce acasă premii de bani în valoare de 416.127 $ și primul său titlu important, după ce a fost atât de aproape de un final glorios la 2009 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure. Gregg a avut cela mai bună finală heads-up a sa de până acum, împotriva locului doi Stephen Reynolds, unde Gregg a intrat cu un dezavantaj la cipuri de 2-1, dar în cele din urmă, a preluat controlul si a câștigat turneul. Gregg a fost de multe ori aproape de victorie în turneele la care a participat până acum şi în această seara, el poate pretinde rolul de campion. Acestă victorie îi aduce cel mai mare venit din carera sa 2.784.423 $.
Resultate Masă Finală:
1. Anthony Gregg –416.127 $
2. Stephen Reynolds –244.877$
3. Chris Lee –158.450 $
4. Larry Sharp –108.034 $
5. Chris Vandeursen –76.824 $
6. Andre Nyffeler –61.619 $