joi, 9 iunie 2011

A new poker tournament in Monte CarloUn nou turneu de poker la Monte Carlo

The luxurios city of Monaco was the birth place of a new poker tournament, the Everest Poker Tournament The One which is held in the room Salle des palmiers of the Sporting de Monte-Carlo.

This was once again an excellent opportunity for stars of the game to play poker in a professional setting and get a huge prize because, a prizepool of $1 million had been offered in the main event of € 5,300 buy-in starting Friday, April 22, 2011. 221 players invaded the poker room to compete for the title of the event including a multitude of professional players like the American Kevin MacPhee, the German Tobias Reinkemeier, the Britain’s Kenny Hallaert, Isabelle Mercier, Javin Martinez, Anthony Lelouche, Jean Paul Pasqualini, Bruno Fitoussi, Alain Roy, Big Roger, Guillaume Darcourt (winner of WPT Bucharest 2010).

Other celebrities like the former footballer Vikash Dhorasso or the charming presenter Estelle Denis were also there. Note that apart from the main tournament, participants are also entitled to table of No Limit Hold’em, Pot Limit Omaha of € 1,000 and € 500 buy-in. This first edition of The Everest Poker One also offered a High Roller of € 25,000 buy-in, a tournament for the elite of the game.

Here’s the prize list, with German Julien Kabitzke as the winner:

1. Julien Kabitzke (Germany) – €300,000

2. Alexander Debus (Germany) – €170,000

3. Joel Dodds (Australia) – €112,000

4. Alessio Isaia (Italy) – €90,000

5. Xavier Carruggi (France) – €75,000

6. Julien Pouchain (France) – €58,000

7. Adrian Aston (United Kingdom) – €47,500

8. Marc Sander (Germany) – €37,000

9. Manuel Bevand (France) – €26,350Luxosul oraş Monaco a fost locul de naştere al unui nou turneu de poker, Everest Poker Tournament One, care a fost găzduit de Salle des Palmiers, cazinou al hotelului Sporting.

Cum vorbim de Monaco, multe staruri au fost prezente, mai ales că a avut un fond de câştiguri în valoare de un milion de dolari în timpul Main Eventului consumat pe 22 Aprilie, când buyin-ul a fost stabilit la 5.300 euro. 221 de jucători au invadat sala de poker pentru a face faţă unor profesionişti ca Tobias Reinkemeier, Kevin MacPhee, Kenny Hallaert, Isabelle Mercier, Javin Martinez, Anthony Lelouche, Jean Paul Pasqualini, Bruno Fitoussi, Alain Roy, Big Roger sau Guillaume Darcourt (Câștigătorul WPT București 2010). Dar au fost prezente şi alte vedete din afara pokerului, precum fostul fotbalist Vikash Dhorasso sau prezentatoarea TV Estelle Denis.

În afara evenimentului principal, participanţii s-au putut înscrie pentru No Limit Hold’em (1.000 euro buy-in) sau Pot Limit Omaha (500 euro buy-in). De asemenea, Everest Poker One a oferit şi şansa participării la un High Roller, cu o intrare de 25.000 de euro, pentru elita jucătorilor.

Iată şi lista finală, cu germanul Julien Kabitzke câştigător:

1. Julien Kabitzke (Germania) – €300,000

2. Alexander Debus (Germania) – €170,000

3. Joel Dodds (Australia) – €112,000

4. Alessio Isaia (Italia) – €90,000

5. Xavier Carruggi (Franța) – €75,000

6. Julien Pouchain (Franța) – €58,000

7. Adrian Aston (Marea Britanie) – €47,500

8. Marc Sander (Germania) – €37,000

9. Manuel Bevand (Franța) – €26,350


Author: Editor

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