Știi de la Casino Inside!
Probabil una dintre cele mai interesante ediții din acest an de Casino Inside, cu un conținut bogat și variat, care vă va satisface pe deplin nevoia de informație. Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen revine în paginile revistei noastre cu un material foarte interesant semnat de Lucian Barbu, Tax Partner, NNDKP Consultanță Fiscală. Subiectul abordat: Despre sponsorizare, publicitate, și riscurile fiscale asociate. De neratat!...
S-a finalizat programul zilnic al evenimentelor 2021 World Series of Poker
World Series of Poker emblematicul eveniment al pokerului va fi găzduit fizic la Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino din Las Vegas în intervalul 30 sept. – 23 nov. 2021 World Series of Poker® (WSOP®) – cea mai bogată, mai prestigioasă și mai lungă serie de turnee de poker – și-a finalizat programul evenimentelor zilnice ale ediției 2021. Ușile acestui eveniment se deschid Joi, 30 sept. la Rio All-Suite Hotel &...
WSOP Super Circuit on GGPoker Pays Out Over $134 Million In Prize MoneySuper circuitul WSOP de pe GGPoker oferă peste 134 de milioane de dolari în premii
The World Series of Poker partnered with global-facing GGPoker Network to host a WSOP Super Circuit Online Series from May 3-31. The massive series featured 516 total events, with series-wide guarantees of $102,365,000. That lofty number was easily surpassed, as the 485,851 total entries made throughout the online poker festival resulted in $134,706,274 in prize money being paid out. Unlike some of the WSOP’s recent online series, the...
WSOP High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha (8-Handed) -Deeb’s revenge –WSOP High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha (8-Handed) – Răzbunarea lui Deeb –
#42 event from World Series of Poker 49’th edition both at the start of the competition a number of 230 players who were prepared to risk $25.000 for the possibility of winning the big pot, $1.402.683, amount earned by Shaun Deeb at the end. It is not the first success for Deeb at WSOP, he is already having another 2 bracelets won in 2016 at #49 event: 1,500$ Seven-Card Stud ant in 2015 at #15 event: 10,000$ Pot-Limit Hold’em...
Joseph Cheong, lacking consistency or luck?Joseph Cheong, lipsit de consistență sau de noroc?
These days it was trendy to talk about South Korea because of the Winter Olympics which they exceptionally organized, and we did so in the sports and betting articles which we have published, however I want to bring into the lime-light a famous South Korean poker player. Of course, he is now an American citizen, having emigrated to the US with his family when he was 6 years old. The character we are going to discuss in this edition is...