Cele mai scumpe trufe albe din lume
22 apr. 2024

Cele mai scumpe trufe albe din lume

14 dolari gramul, atât costa în serialul Miliardari (HBO) să-ți răzuiască bucătarul niscavai trufe albe peste niște paste într-un restaurant de fițe din New York. De aici mi-a venit și ideea unui articol despre cele mai scumpe trufe albe din lume. Știți unde cresc trufele? La rădăcina copacilor, într-un mediu bogat în humus și aerisit, pe lângă albiile râurilor. Aceste “diamante” ale pădurilor se găsesc greu, fiind foarte rare, câini...

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 “The god of gamblingului” in Macau: Yin Hon  The mentor of worldwide renowned Asian gamblers “Zeul gamblingului” din Macao: Yin Hon  Mentorul unor jucători asiatici de renume mondial
05 ian. 2018

“The god of gamblingului” in Macau: Yin Hon The mentor of worldwide renowned Asian gamblers “Zeul gamblingului” din Macao: Yin Hon Mentorul unor jucători asiatici de renume mondial

-by Oana Mihalache Even though the casino market in Macau seems to be one that is extremely diversified, as more and more operators announces a new business entering the market, this phenomenon is in fact a very recent one. Until the beginning of the years 2000, the monopoly over the gambling industry was owned by three names that are very popular within the Asian gambling market: Yin Hon, Stanley Ho and Henry Fok, a renowned tycoon...

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Macau casino tycoon Stanley Ho set to retireMagnatul Cazinourilor din Macao, Stanley Ho, pregătit să se retragă
01 aug. 2017

Macau casino tycoon Stanley Ho set to retireMagnatul Cazinourilor din Macao, Stanley Ho, pregătit să se retragă

After more than four decades serving on the board of Shun Tak Holdings Limited, Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho is reportedly stepping down as the firm’s Chairman and is to hand the reins for the giant conglomerate to his daughter, Pansy Ho. According to a report from the Reuters news service, 95-year-old Ho is set to assume the title of Chairman Emeritus for Shun Tak Holdings Limited, which has interests in property, shipping, and...

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Vladivostok, DAVAI GAMBLING!  (2) The road of investments made by the industry’s tycoonsVladivostok, DAVAI GAMBLING!  (2) Drumul investițiilor făcute de giganții industriei
22 mai 2015

Vladivostok, DAVAI GAMBLING! (2) The road of investments made by the industry’s tycoonsVladivostok, DAVAI GAMBLING! (2) Drumul investițiilor făcute de giganții industriei

-by Oana Mihalache   Vladivostok is the new angel among the emerging gambling destinations of the world, as Asian investors have landed in Far East Russia and seem to be turning it into the new Macau of the region. The project has only just begun and we can expect to see the city rising and surpassing its competitors in the region. As a follow up of the previous article, Casino Inside will introduce you to the business side of the...

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Versace to build Hotel in MacauIn Macao va exista un hotel cu design Versace
21 aug. 2013

Versace to build Hotel in MacauIn Macao va exista un hotel cu design Versace

Famed Italian fashion house Versace said on Tuesday that it had signed a deal with Macau’s largest casino operator SJM to design their new hotel as part of the latest gambling resort to be built on the Cotai strip. SJM Holdings is controlled by Macau legend Dr Stanley Ho, who has come under pressure over recent years with foreign casino operators entering the once monopolised gaming sector in Macau by SJM. In a joint statement with...

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