The BLING™ MULTI GAME Game Machines are now even more attractive to players! Aparatele de joc BLING™ MULTI GAME şi mai atractive pentru jucători!
15 mai 2015

The BLING™ MULTI GAME Game Machines are now even more attractive to players! Aparatele de joc BLING™ MULTI GAME şi mai atractive pentru jucători!

Playtech’s top product, the BLING™ Multi Game terminal, housed in the sleek, dual-screen Jupiter™ cabinet, is a completely self sufficient stand-alone terminal designed to maximise machine profits and optimise operational performance. Centralised reporting, slot accounting tools, real-time alerts, configurable game settings, game updates and game shifting ensure total, real-time control over the operation, and a sophisticated player...

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VIDEOBET, un pionier in ale jocurilor / Videobet, a gaming pioneer
20 mart. 2010

VIDEOBET, un pionier in ale jocurilor / Videobet, a gaming pioneer

Fiind o parte din Playtech, Videobet dezvolta platforme foarte performante de joc pentru cazinourile live. Platforma Videobet poate rula ca o unitate independenta, ca o retea cu un server adiacent sau ca o retea bazata pe server. O filiala complet detinuta de Grupul Playtech, cel mai mare furnizor de software online cotat la bursa, Videobet ofera solutii pentru operatorii de jocuri live. Videobet vine cu un trecut solid in industria...

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