How to play poker – technical terms (3)Cum se joacă poker – termeni tehnici (3)
23 apr. 2013

How to play poker – technical terms (3)Cum se joacă poker – termeni tehnici (3)

It is good as from time to time to remind those that already know, but also to provide a base of information for the profanes or new entries in a field so dynamic as poker, that is why, our magazine is offering in this edition a short and useful „refresh” for the betting terms used in this game. Other rules Public cardrooms have additional rules designed to speed up play, earn revenue for the casino (such as the...

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Bluff and semi bluff, from agony to ecstasy Bluful și semibluful, de la agonie la extaz și invers
16 nov. 2010

Bluff and semi bluff, from agony to ecstasy Bluful și semibluful, de la agonie la extaz și invers

Are you a pro or just an amateur? Do you think you know all about the pro poker? Have you learnt playing Hold’em from your friends or from the best players? Do you know the main moves you need to take for winning the best pots? We invite you take a trip within the theory of the pro poker and to strengthen your knowledge about the mind sport. David Stlansky, considered no one authority of the pro poker settled the bases of “The theory...

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