The International Slot Summit  Lucien Barriere Casino, Enghiens-les-Bains, Paris, FranceSummitul Internațional al Sloturilor  Lucien Barriere Casino, Enghiens-les-Bains, Paris, Franța
17 nov. 2013

The International Slot Summit Lucien Barriere Casino, Enghiens-les-Bains, Paris, FranceSummitul Internațional al Sloturilor Lucien Barriere Casino, Enghiens-les-Bains, Paris, Franța

  “Of all the events that ECA co-organizes, this is the one that has a finger on the pulse of the slot industry.” Ron Goudsmit, President European Casino Association Save the Date! 10 – 12 December 2013 Following last year’s successful inaugural event in France, the International Slot Summit is returning to Lucien Barrière’s beautiful conference centre and casino by the lake. Over three days, delegates will get to meet and hear...

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