FRANZ PLASSER JOINS AINSWORTH UKFranz Plasser s-a alăturat lui Ainsworth UK
27 sept. 2015

FRANZ PLASSER JOINS AINSWORTH UKFranz Plasser s-a alăturat lui Ainsworth UK

Sales team in Europe again strengthened Ainsworth (UK) Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Franz Plasser as Sales Manager. Mr. Plasser brings a wealth of experience in international gaming to this new position. He has gained invaluable experience not just in slot machine sales in Europe and Latin America. The operations management he gained throughout the years naturally brings a closer understanding of operator and...

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SUZOHAPP again supported Slot Summit    SUZOHAPP a sprijinit din nou Slot Summit
17 iun. 2015

SUZOHAPP again supported Slot Summit SUZOHAPP a sprijinit din nou Slot Summit

Great interest, in particular for iDROP in Romania SUZOHAPP once again demonstrated its strategy for supporting its customers at a local level during the Slot Summit in Romania. Harald Wagemaker, Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing of Gaming and Casino EMEA and Sales Manager René Huibers spent the three days on the SUZOHAPP stand to advise attendees on the ever-expanding gaming solutions from SUZOHAPP. The Slot Summit took...

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Paul Mills, Clarion Events: „The Slot Summit Europe is about the Future”Paul Mills, Clarion Events: „Evenimentul Slot Summit Europe este despre Viitor”
17 mai 2015

Paul Mills, Clarion Events: „The Slot Summit Europe is about the Future”Paul Mills, Clarion Events: „Evenimentul Slot Summit Europe este despre Viitor”

Because one of the most important events dedicated to gambling ever held in our country is coming, we present new information about this event right from the source: Paul Mills- Operations Director at Clarion Events, the event organizer. Tell us why you pick Bucharest to be the host of European Slot Summit in this year on 9-11 June? Firstly Bucharest is a beautiful city, with all the trappings that come with being a European Capital....

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Faster, Wider, Deeper. Everywhere.      Mai Rapid, Mai Cuprinzător, Mai Profund. Oriunde.
16 mai 2015

Faster, Wider, Deeper. Everywhere. Mai Rapid, Mai Cuprinzător, Mai Profund. Oriunde.

Advansys will be present at first edition of Slot Summit in Bucharest, which will be in 9-11 June at Hotel Novotel, as one of the sponsors, presenting their Ultimate Casino Managent System called NEXIO. One of the largest Gaming Markets in Eastern Europe – Romania promises to be the ideal setting for the next European Slot Summit. The Slot Summit is designed for strategic, operational and marketing management who are responsible...

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10 apr. 2014


By Insider First of all, BOOK THE DATE OF May 19th on your calendar and dedicate it for gaining a better knowledge of your gaming business! Following the invitation of the Casino Inside magazine Lucien Wijsman, a true guru of the slot industry worldwide, is coming to Romania to offer a lecture. Lucien Wisman is a veteran of Casino-Slot market with 25 years of experience in casino operations, development of the system of Total Quality...

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