Illegal Gambling (1) – JOGO DO BICHO, the game of the Brazilian povertyJocuri de noroc ilegale (1) – JOGO DO BICHO, jocul sărăciei braziliene
10 aug. 2016

Illegal Gambling (1) – JOGO DO BICHO, the game of the Brazilian povertyJocuri de noroc ilegale (1) – JOGO DO BICHO, jocul sărăciei braziliene

by Insider We are facing an avalanche of games that are illeagal worldwide. The games we talk about are either unadapted to the legislative regulations of different countries, or simply unlincesed and more general or not, they are desired or played by the public but the state does not recognize their legality or restricts it. The first game that caught my attention recently after our magazine performed an analysis of gambling in...

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Olympic Summer Games, short history before RIO 2016  The Pantheon of champions & key eventsJocurile Olimpice de Vară, scurt istoric până la RIO 2016   | Pantheonul campionilor și al evenimentelor cheie |
25 iul. 2016

Olympic Summer Games, short history before RIO 2016 The Pantheon of champions & key eventsJocurile Olimpice de Vară, scurt istoric până la RIO 2016 | Pantheonul campionilor și al evenimentelor cheie |

-Oana Mihalache The Olympic Summer Games are surely the main sports attraction of the season, so the two weeks that some of the best sportsmen in the world will spend this year in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, will undoubtedly catch the attention of millions of people around the globe. Between 5 and 12 August we will delight with a real sports extravaganza: no less than 28 olympic sports will unravel their respective champions. Parallel...

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The stakes are ready: the most important sporting events in 2016Mizele sunt pregătite: cele mai importante evenimente sportive din 2016
23 feb. 2016

The stakes are ready: the most important sporting events in 2016Mizele sunt pregătite: cele mai importante evenimente sportive din 2016

by Bogdan Fechită   This year is full of sporting events. The head of the agenda goes to the Olympic Games in Rio, which will take place from 5th to 21st of August. The European Football Championship in France, with the participation of Romanian national team, is another important milestone. The usual events are not missing either: Champions League, Formula 1, the Grand Slam tennis tournaments, European Championship in handball...

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Rio Casino Resort – THE PRIDE OF THE SOUTH   Rio Casino Resort – MÂNDRIA SUDULUI
29 apr. 2014

Rio Casino Resort – THE PRIDE OF THE SOUTH Rio Casino Resort – MÂNDRIA SUDULUI

The largest casino in the Southern Hemisphere, the Rio Casino Resort is located in Klerksdorp, South Africa and was inspired by the passion, vibe, and color of the Carnival in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro. The casino is located a few hours by car from Johannesburg and is among the most popular casinos in South Africa. Short history of the place The first magistrate of the small community that settled on the banks of the Schoonspruit...

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14 sept. 2012


Ediţia cu numărul 30 a jocurilor olimpice moderne, găzduită de Londra şi împrejurimi, s-a încheiat apoteotic, după ce a început cu o festivitate fastuoasă. Dacă ceremonia de deschidere a fost o desfătare a ochiului, graţie cromaticii şi efectelor vizuale, cea de închidere a fost o odă adresată urechilor, un omagiu creativităţii britanice. Fără să bagatelizăm opinia reprezentantului taximetriştilor londonezi, care a afirmat că jocurile...

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