Betting quotasTipuri de cote la pariuri
24 iul. 2011

Betting quotasTipuri de cote la pariuri

Sports bets have three characteristics: the events on which bets are placed, quotas and stakes, as well as the amounts. The quotas are indicating the winning chances established by the betting houses used by the backers on each bet. Regarding the sports environment, the “quota” represents the relative probability of an event to happen. The quota may also be defined as the reverse probability of an event. This actually indicates an...

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Martin Ivanov:” I would like to express our gratitude for clients loyalty”   Martin Ivanov: ” Aş vrea să mulţumesc clienţilor pentru loialitatea de care au dat dovadă”
20 iun. 2011

Martin Ivanov:” I would like to express our gratitude for clients loyalty” Martin Ivanov: ” Aş vrea să mulţumesc clienţilor pentru loialitatea de care au dat dovadă”

Casino Technology brings to our market a wide variety of popular games. Martin Ivanov, Managing Director of the prestigious company’s subsidiary in Romania speaks about company’s future plans in our country, but also gives us clues about the success of Romania’s market.   What are the strongest characteristics of Casino Technology abroad and in Romania? The Casino Technology games offer a wide array of math models,...

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IACS CONFERENCE, BUCHAREST, 20TH EDITION Ediția a 20-a a Conferinței International Association of Casino Security (IACS) la București
06 mai 2011

IACS CONFERENCE, BUCHAREST, 20TH EDITION Ediția a 20-a a Conferinței International Association of Casino Security (IACS) la București

Reporter: Tell us about the history of IACS? When did it start and how many members did it have at the moment? Please detail. Vangelis Paralis: IACS was founded in 1991 by a small group of security and surveillance managers as a non-profit organization meant to share professional experience and important job related information between it’s members . It’s an association which continues to grow, we keep receiving applications for...

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