Guy Laliberté, fondatorul Cirque de Soleil, o viață ca-n filme
15 mart. 2024

Guy Laliberté, fondatorul Cirque de Soleil, o viață ca-n filme

Nici nu știu de unde să încep prezentarea acestei personalități care prin viziunea și ambiția sa a transformat circul dintr-o formă populară de distracție plăcută de oricine într-o artă a entertainmentului și a creației. Guy Laliberté a arătat lumii o personalitate complexă, de la vizionar al circului până la cea de filantropist, turist spațial, jucător de poker și miliardar ce dezvoltă acum investiții în artă, tehnologie și...

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The world of meta-gamblers: just how lucrative is spread betting on the gambling companiesLumea meta-pariorilor: cât de profitabile sunt pariurile la bursă pe companiile din gambling
28 apr. 2017

The world of meta-gamblers: just how lucrative is spread betting on the gambling companiesLumea meta-pariorilor: cât de profitabile sunt pariurile la bursă pe companiile din gambling

-Oana Mihalache Spread betting is no longer a socially or economically reprehensible activity. Moreover, Warren Buffet became one of the richest people in the world after he literally learned the art of investment – a company he had taken over in 1964 had a share price of $19, but today one of its shares is worth $204.600. Well, now gambling companies have become the new point of interest for investors, given the industry’s...

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Add More EXCITEMENT to your GAMING EXPERIENCE   Adăugați Mai Multă BUCURIE în EXPERIENȚA dumneavoastră de JOC
01 sept. 2016

Add More EXCITEMENT to your GAMING EXPERIENCE Adăugați Mai Multă BUCURIE în EXPERIENȚA dumneavoastră de JOC

About ScentAir… Founded in 1994, ScentAir is the largest and most experienced scent marketing company in the world, creating over seven billion enduring consumer scent impressions each year. Based in Charlotte, NC, ScentAir clients range from sports and entertainment venues to the most luxurious hotels and resorts. With over 100,000 placements in 109 countries throughout the world, you can be certain that you have experienced...

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Cuba, mi amorCuba, mi amor
13 aug. 2015

Cuba, mi amorCuba, mi amor

On July 1, 2015 the US President Barack Obama officially announced the reopening of the US Embassy in Cuba, thing that will happen also the other way, Cubans will open an embassy on the territory of the United States. This event is considered one very important in what we might call re-warming of diplomatic relations and good neighborliness between the two countries after the Soviet missile crisis in the 60s. Reopening of the two...

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The Tour of France 2015: Who will be the winner of the „Great Loop”?Turul Franței 2015: cine se impune în ”Marea Buclă”?
02 iul. 2015

The Tour of France 2015: Who will be the winner of the „Great Loop”?Turul Franței 2015: cine se impune în ”Marea Buclă”?

by Bogdan Fechită   The largest cycling event of the world will start again on July 4th in Utrecht, Netherlands. After 21 stages, 3344 km and 23 days full of suspense, the finish will take place on July 26 on the Champs Elysees, Paris This is the sixth time in history that the Netherlands hosts the start of the Tour, being the country that has received this honor more often. Over time, the caravan of the most important...

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