Ediţia cu numărul 30 a jocurilor olimpice moderne, găzduită de Londra şi împrejurimi, s-a încheiat apoteotic, după ce a început cu o festivitate fastuoasă. Dacă ceremonia de deschidere a fost o desfătare a ochiului, graţie cromaticii şi efectelor vizuale, cea de închidere a fost o odă adresată urechilor, un omagiu creativităţii britanice. Fără să bagatelizăm opinia reprezentantului taximetriştilor londonezi, care a afirmat că jocurile...
Premier League BetsPariuri de Prima Ligă (Premier League)
Text: Mircea Panait Days of London Olympics have passed, for some a sports marathon reach with events and betting, for others a sport show that left behind long lasting sensations. Nevertheless the English championship began once more for the gamblers and it is more important than the London Olympics. We are still in the period of transfers, every club trying to bring useful players, to occupy short positions. The managers of English...
Narcis Șelaru: „The world of gambling is not rightfully perceived in Romania”Narcis Șelaru: „Lumea gamblingului nu este percepută corect în România”
Narcis Șelaru is an important member with old payrolls issued by the team of sports news, of the Romanian Television, and, a good poker player. The following lines will describe his successful life, his likes in poker and why does he believe that the image of this beautiful and fascinating world of gambling is not rightfully promoted in our country. For how many years do you work with TVR and what does all this dedication for all...