NEWTON SLOTS, a company that wants to permanently evolveNEWTON SLOTS, o companie ce dorește să evolueze în permanență
As you well know, the NEWTON Company always supports Romanian organizers with top systems. NEWTON Systems offers superior solutions of Monitoring, Jackpot, Happy-Hour, Accounting, Security and Marketing. Basically, these systems provide the necessary support for your locations. How else you’ve probably heard that NEWTON has recently launched a new system developed specifically to reduce costs when you have many locations. The...
Another Summer Only with Casino InsideO altă vară doar cu Casino Inside
Within this issue we prepared for you a series of interesting subjects, worth reading. In the Cover Story we have a discussion with the representatives of the Association of Gamble Organizers– ROMBET. Mr. Dan Ghiță – President of the Association, Mr. Dan Iliovici – executive director and Mr. Anchidim Zăgrean – Vice-President provide pertinent points of view on the hottest topics of the gambling industry these days. Which are the...
NEWTON 3.0 Pro enjoyed a real success at ICE Totally Gaming 2015NEWTON 3.0 Pro s-a bucurat de un real succes la ICE Totally Gaming 2015
NEWTON SLOTS has returned from London, where it has participated at the largest exhibition of the gambling industry, namely the ICE Totally Gaming 2015. The NEWTON 3.0 Pro system was a great success, the stand was visited by more than 1000 people, who called it the „all in one” system, which offers indeed the perfect solution for a successful business. NEWTON 3.0 Pro is an „All in one” system offering Jackpot...
Președintele ROMBET: „România trebuie să joace cu multă înțelepciune cartea jocurilor de noroc online „
ICE Totally Gaming, cel mai mare eveniment din Europa dedicat gamblingului, a reunit săptămâna trecută la Londra elita acestei industrii. Echipa de conducere a Asociației Organizatorilor Jocurilor de Noroc – ROMBET – găzduită de standul reprezentanților Newton Slots, cărora le mulțumim pe această cale pentru ospitalitate – a fost acolo și a luat pulsul pieței. Reprezentanții ROMBET au avut numeroase întâlniri cu...
ROMANIAN GAMING FEAST The place where excellence is awarded!SĂRBĂTOAREA GAMINGULUI DIN ROMÂNIA – Locul unde vi se recunosc meritele!
Casino Inside Magazine found the right moment and the proper place to award the excellence in the field at the end of the year, after 12 months of stress and work, in an event meant to convey joy, good fun and cheerfulness. Therefore, following the ReUNION OF GAMBLING PROFESSIONALS 3, we invited you to take part in the „Romanian Gaming Feast – Festive Dinner”, which took place in the Paris dining room, once again overcrowded ahead of...