The real football starts: which are the favourites of the great European ChampionshipsÎncepe fotbalul adevărat: cine sunt favoritele din marile campionate europene
by Bogdan Fechită An unwritten rule of the bettors say this: you have conquered a trophy? You’re favorite to win in the next season. This rule does applies also to the odds of the each of the five large European Championships. Bookmakers, all in the same key, see as favorite to win the next championship the exact same team which has proven to be winner in the previous season. Let’s take them one by one: ...
CASINO VESUVIUS, simply the best CASINO VESUVIUS, pur și simplu cel mai bun
“The best LIVE casino from Romania, year 2014” is the title received with great honour by Vesuvius Casino from Brasov. And if maybe many people are wondering why a casino from the province succeeded this performance, the answer to this question appears without delay. Thus, Angelo Barbato, CEO of the entire structure, claims that he chose Brasov for developing this gambling industry because it is situated in the centre of the country,...
A Series – Between legend and rigged betsSerie A – Între legendă și pariuri trucate
Text by: Mircea Panait Every time I say „series” I’m reminded of the math classes taken in high school. I began to love these smaller, older, series, only when I started to unravel the mysteries of betting. This time it’s the A series (currently called A Series TIM after the current sponsor). It is the first division of Italian football. It is the Championship that was offering adrenaline to bettors even during...