Ax-les-Thermes: Holding of qualifier events for the final of Joa Poker Tour Season 3Ax-les-Thermes: Deținătorul evenimentelor pentru finala celui de al Treilea Sezon al Joa Poker Tour
09 iun. 2011

Ax-les-Thermes: Holding of qualifier events for the final of Joa Poker Tour Season 3Ax-les-Thermes: Deținătorul evenimentelor pentru finala celui de al Treilea Sezon al Joa Poker Tour

The casino of Ax-les-Thermes will host as the 12 other casinos of Joa group during the 4 Sundays of the month of May, a major poker event in the region. On May 8, 15, 22 and 29 will be played the qualifiers for the finals of the third season of Joa Poker Tour of this year 2011. Moreover, it will be another opportunity for the various poker practitioners to spend a good time playing together, according to Jean-Michel Noell, director of...

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