Poker, a mind sport, exploited to its maximum in the 2nd edition of RPCPokerul, sportul minţii, exploatat la maxim în ediţia a II-a a CRP

Out of the 112 participants, Mihai Niste became the new champion of the Romanian poker game, overcoming internationally known “obstacles” like Liviu Ignat or Mihai Manole. Considered a lifestyle for some and just entertainment for others, poker gives birth to champions. The favorites keep their energy and improve their strategy for the poker tournaments which will set the atmosphere on fire, during the summer of a year still dominated...

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Romanian Poker Championship editia a II-a
09 mai 2010

Romanian Poker Championship editia a II-a

In perioada 2-6 mai 2010 Federatia Sportiva Nationala de Poker a organizat cea de a doua editie a Romanian Poker Championship la hotelul Radisson Blu. Impreuna cu sponsorul , Federatia Sportiva Nationala de Poker a oferit jucatorilor si spectatorilor prezenti la turneu 5 zile de poker de maxima calitate. Printre numele mari participante la turneu putem aminti de jucatori PokerStars Pro Marcin Horecki şi Elena Ichim. De...

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