SUCCESS AS A HABIT! The 5th RPG, probably the best so far, as promised!SUCCESUL CA OBIȘNUINȚĂ! RPG 5, așa cum am promis, probabil cel mai bun de până acum!
10 dec. 2016

SUCCESS AS A HABIT! The 5th RPG, probably the best so far, as promised!SUCCESUL CA OBIȘNUINȚĂ! RPG 5, așa cum am promis, probabil cel mai bun de până acum!

2 days before the Casino Inside Events dating December 8th, we were announcing that these could be the best so far. We said this for a very simple reason: we knew how hard we worked, we knew what content we had prepared, but also we wanted that for as many people relating to this field as possible to attend the events that could have changed their outlook regarding the next year, 2017. And each of the two events enjoyed more than 100...

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UPDATE: THE 5TH ReUNION OF GAMBLING PROFESSIONALSUPDATE: Au mai rămas 2 ZILE până la RPG 5, probabil cel mai bun eveniment de business organizat de Casino Inside în ultimii ani
25 nov. 2016

UPDATE: THE 5TH ReUNION OF GAMBLING PROFESSIONALSUPDATE: Au mai rămas 2 ZILE până la RPG 5, probabil cel mai bun eveniment de business organizat de Casino Inside în ultimii ani

EVENT THE 5TH ReUNION OF GAMBLING PROFESSIONALS 8TH OF DECEMBER 2016, NOVOTEL HOTEL, PARIS ROOM Them: Business Efficiency in the Romanian Gambling Industry  The Casino Inside magazine continues to bring you at the end of this year too, the traditional event dedicated to current issues of the Romanian gambling industry – THE REUNION OF GAMBLING PROFESSIONALS. The feedback received from you last year at the ReUnion of the Gambling...

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