23, read on bread23, de citit pe pâine
08 apr. 2012

23, read on bread23, de citit pe pâine

A special edition awaits to be devoured in the 23th issue of our magazine. Topics are chosen especially for you. Rolf Gunther Falke, CEO Merkur International, reveals in the cover story why Merkur Casino and Merkur Gaming represent the Gauselmann quality standard in Romania, further Bogdan Chirițoiu, the president of the Competition Council, has offered us an exclusive interview in which he states the mission of the institution that...

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Mister KO – Lucian Bute si-a pastrat centura
19 apr. 2010

Mister KO – Lucian Bute si-a pastrat centura

Dupa o clara dominare a adversarului in primele doua runde, Lucian l-a curentat pe Edison Miranda cu un uppercut de stanga, dovedind inca odata , daca mai era nevoie, ca este adevaratul campion al categoriel supermijlocii versiunea IBF. Lucian Bute, la  30 de ani, are in palmares cu 26 de victorii, dintre care 21 înainte de limită, în timp ce Edison Miranda, 29 ani, numără 33 victorii (29 prin KO) şi 5...

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