Bogdan Chirițoiu, the president of the Romanian Competition Council “In case of the incidence of a major public interest reason such as consumer`s protection, the abortion and diverge from respecting competition regulation is accepted.”Bogdan Chirițoiu, președintele Consiliului Concurenței: „În cazul existenţei unui motiv de interes public major aşa cum este protecţia consumatorului, se poate accepta derogarea de la aplicarea şi respectarea regulilor de concurenţă”
Invited by the Gaming Organizers Association – Rombet, the president of the Romanian Competition Council, Mr. Bogdan Chirițoiu, presents us in this interview the real situation of Romanian gaming industry, with focus on competition issues that nowadays are active on the market. We invite you to read this interesting material in order to find out more about news, challenges and success of this institution in general and in related to...