European Poker Tour in San Remo – Betting on Success!European Poker Tour la San Remo – Pariul pe Succes!
11 nov. 2012

European Poker Tour in San Remo – Betting on Success!European Poker Tour la San Remo – Pariul pe Succes!

“I have succeeded to experiment a glorious feeling” – Ludovic Lacay, the Champion of EPT San Remo 2012 -Oana Mihalache San Remo was the new scene hosting the famous European Poker Tour at its 9est edition. For one week, the Italian city located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea was the arena of the second stage of the poker event. Following the first stage that took place in Barcelona and which was a real success, the new calendar...

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PokerFest Main event dupa ziua 2
16 iun. 2012

PokerFest Main event dupa ziua 2

Nu mai putin de 157 de jucatori sau asezat la mesele de joc, dupa zilele 1A si 1B ,ale Main Eventului PokerFest. Jocul a inceput la ora 13 si s-a terminat aproape de mmiezul noptii.  Dintre acestia  au ramas in cursa pentru marele pot doar 27 e playeri care vor incerca sa isi demonstreze skill-urile pentru a se incununa de succes. Multi dintre jucatorii vedeta din Romania au fost eliminati in aceasta a doua zi a turneului, astfel ca...

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PokerFest Main Event ziua 1B
14 iun. 2012

PokerFest Main Event ziua 1B

Astazi ziua 1B a PokerFest a inceput la ora 13 la mese asezandu-se nu mai putin de 167 jucatori dornici sa acceada in urmatoare etapa a turneului. Numele mari care s-au asezat la masa de joc in aceasta zi au fost, Liviu Ignat sau Ciprian Hrisca. Chip leaderul acestei zile a fost Eugen Constantin .Jocul de la main event s-a oprit la nivelul 7 de blinduri 200-400-50 . Iată clasamantul primilor zece: 1  Eugen Constantin   110,500 2 ...

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Andrei Stoenescu: „I hope that I will succeed to gain an EPT title as soon as possible” Andrei Stoenescu : „Sper să reușesc să iau un titlu EPT cât de curând”
10 mai 2012

Andrei Stoenescu: „I hope that I will succeed to gain an EPT title as soon as possible” Andrei Stoenescu : „Sper să reușesc să iau un titlu EPT cât de curând”

Having a top performance in EPT Madrid 2012, maturity and a remarkable power of introspection for his age,  Andrei Stoenescu is a player who, will certainly have a brilliant future in poker. Enjoy one of the most interesting interviews of the Poker Players section, within our magazine.     What is poker to you?   For me poker is a hobby, a job and a life style all in the same time. I enjoy very much playing poker and I can...

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Liviu Ignat: “You can learn poker in two minutes but master it for life”Liviu Ignat: “Pokerul se învaţă în două minute şi se stăpâneşte într-o viaţă întreagă”
20 iul. 2010

Liviu Ignat: “You can learn poker in two minutes but master it for life”Liviu Ignat: “Pokerul se învaţă în două minute şi se stăpâneşte într-o viaţă întreagă”

What may appear as an equation with many unknown variables for some, is a fairly easy one for a professional player like Liviu Ignat, who can conveniently offer an immediate and practical solution. That’s the way he likes it!   How did you end up in this poker world? What made you chose poker? At the end of 2007, I registered on the website of PokerStars, after I had heard from some of my friends, that money can be easily earned...

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