NSoft entered Deloitte’s competition of 50 fastest growing companies in Central Europe   NSoft a intrat in competitia Deloitte care vizeaza cele 50 de companii cu cea mai mare crestere din Europa Centrala
14 oct. 2016

NSoft entered Deloitte’s competition of 50 fastest growing companies in Central Europe NSoft a intrat in competitia Deloitte care vizeaza cele 50 de companii cu cea mai mare crestere din Europa Centrala

NSoft has successfully entered Deloitte’s competition of 50 fastest growing companies in Central Europe. The Deloitte Central Europe Technology Fast 50 programme, which is now in its 17th year, ranks the 50 fastest-growing tech companies in the region based on revenue growth over a four-year period (2012-2015). Eligibility criteria for Fast 50 that NSoft had to meet: Develops a technology related product or service that contributes to...

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Latvia: Gambling in the Baltic ParadiseLetonia – Gamblingul în Paradisul Baltic
26 mart. 2014

Latvia: Gambling in the Baltic ParadiseLetonia – Gamblingul în Paradisul Baltic

by Oana Mihalache Latvia stands for a small gambling empire. The Republic of Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe and it’s bordered by Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus and by a maritime border to the west with Sweden. Latvia was established as a democratic parliamentary republic in 1918 and gained its independence from the Ex-Soviet Union in 1991. The capital city is Riga, which was also declared the European...

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Viitorul gambling-ului european,  discutat la București în cadrul Adunării Generale Anuale EUROMAT
03 iun. 2013

Viitorul gambling-ului european, discutat la București în cadrul Adunării Generale Anuale EUROMAT

Membrii EUROMAT (The European Gaming and Amusement Federation), reprezentanți din 20 țări europene, s-au adunat în premieră la București pentru cel mai important eveniment dedicat industriei jocurilor de noroc: Adunarea Generală Anuală EUROMAT 2013. În cadrul acestei ediții, Federația a prezentat datele financiare anuale ale industriei pe care o reprezintă. În 2011, cifra de afaceri  a pieței aparatelor de jocuri de noroc cu excepția...

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LITHUANIA – An economy with the gambling market in growthLITUANIA – O economie cu piaţa de gambling în creştere
18 sept. 2012

LITHUANIA – An economy with the gambling market in growthLITUANIA – O economie cu piaţa de gambling în creştere

The structure of Lithuanian gaming market, consisting of individual segments gambling establishments (casinos), gaming machine halls, lottery, betting, totalizer, depending on various criteria (consumer expenditure on gaming, permeability of gaming devices, gross gaming revenue, prevalence rates of problem gambling, etc.) and in comparison with the gambling market of European Union Member States, is compressed. The market size of...

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Bodog pull out of 21 national jurisdictionsBodog se retrage din 21 de tari
12 aug. 2012

Bodog pull out of 21 national jurisdictionsBodog se retrage din 21 de tari

There were reports over the weekend from concerned Bodog players receiving emails from the company, informing them to withdraw any funds they had from their accounts by 30th August 2012,  also stating that Bodog.co.uk will no longer process transactions in their jurisdiction The email continued saying “We recommend that you withdraw any balance you may have in your account by 30 August 2012. Minimum withdrawal amount is £10. After 30...

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