The State and the efforts amade against addiction – Part 2Statul și eforturile împotriva adicției – partea a 2-a
05 aug. 2015

The State and the efforts amade against addiction – Part 2Statul și eforturile împotriva adicției – partea a 2-a

by Laurențiu Neacșu – gaming expert I’ll continue to present you the measures on socially responsible gaming, adopted by the European Committee for Standardization, from the point where I stoped in the last episode. 10. In terms of marketing and advertising, operators are obligated not to target the persons from vulnerable categories in terms of age, social status or gaming habits. Thus, all communications and promotional...

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The State and the efforts amade against addiction  – Part 1Statul și eforturile împotriva adicției    partea 1
27 iun. 2015

The State and the efforts amade against addiction – Part 1Statul și eforturile împotriva adicției partea 1

by Laurențiu Neacșu – gaming expert Both media and the official stand of government representatives say that Gambling generates addiction among population.   The last modification of the regulatory framework, performed in December 2014, has tried to improve this situation by establishing a public interest foundation by the legislature, intended to conduct public programs against the effects of addiction, in line with the European...

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Intellectual Property in GamblingProprietatea intelectuală în jocurile de noroc
18 apr. 2015

Intellectual Property in GamblingProprietatea intelectuală în jocurile de noroc

by Laurențiu Neacșu – Gaming Expert Intellectual property is part of the so-called intangible heritage of a company and cumulates all the commercial or production inventions, innovations, patents, designs and trademarks. However, even if the legislator has expressly mentioned the registration forms and the classification of the intellectual property, it is not reduced to that. Many modern organizations protect the type of their...

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If we limit the stake, we limit the addiction? Limitarea mizei duce la limitarea dependenței?
20 mart. 2015

If we limit the stake, we limit the addiction? Limitarea mizei duce la limitarea dependenței?

Text by: Laurențiu Neacșu – gaming expert Without the stake there is no game, nor from legal or from practical point of view. The need of adrenaline, the attraction one feels towards the unknown dictated by chance, these are just a few of the main people’s motivations satisfied by the stake. The entire gambling industry, regardless the form it takes (live casino, gaming hall, betting, bingo, etc.) tries to offer quality and diversity...

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The Privacy of the Slots PlayerIntimitatea jucătorului de sloturi
23 oct. 2014

The Privacy of the Slots PlayerIntimitatea jucătorului de sloturi

by Laurentiu Neacșu – gaming expert In our previous articles we have mentioned the different expectations of the slots player when he enters a gaming location. Whether we are talking about a casino, a gaming hall or a bar, players have expectations, desires and requests. If the local Manager is unable to solve them in the appropriate manner, customers will be unhappy and will disappear. There are certain wishes formulated willingly by...

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