Kate Chambers, Managing Director, Clarion Gaming: “Our exhibitors are the stars of ICE London and always have been”Kate Chambers, Managing Director, Clarion Gaming: „Expozanții noștri sunt starurile de la ICE Londra și așa au fost dintotdeauna”
The ICE TOTALLY GAMING 2018 was extraordinary! Kate had courtesy to do an early radiography, just few weeks after the end of the largest gaming exhibition in the world. Are a lots of interesting data here because are fresh and directly from the source. Let’s Enjoy togheter! How many visitors were there this year? And exhibitors? How many square meters were covered by the exhibition? How many meters were covered by...
KATE CHAMBERS, Managing Director, Gaming Division, Clarion Events „We are nothing without our exhibitors. They makes ICE The World Theatre of Gaming” KATE CHAMBERS, Managing Director, Divizia de Gaming, Clarion Events „Noi nu reprezentăm nimic fără expozanți. Ei sunt cei care fac din evenimentul ICE un Teatru Mondial al Jocurilor de Noroc”
“We are only as good as our last show”, told us Kate Chambers. And it’s true. The ICE TOTALLY GAMING from this year was magnificent. Kate had courtesy to do an early radiography, just weeks after the end of the largest gaming exhibition in the world. Are a lots of interesting data here because are fresh and directly from the source. Let’s Enjoy! We are lucky! How was ICE Totally Gaming 2017 for Clarion Events team? You are...
Rombet a participat la Londra, la cea mai de succes ediție ICE Totally Gaming de până acum
Industria internațională de gambling a fost marcată, la începutul lunii februarie, de o nouă ediție de succes a celui mai important eveniment european dedicat domeniului, ICE Totally Gaming. Ca de fiecare dată, reprezentanții Rombet au fost prezenți și anul acesta la Londra, fiind al treilea an consecutiv când asociația noastră a susținut evenimentul în calitate de partener media, în urma unui acord încheiat cu organizatorii,...
More room for bingo at ICE 2017Mai mult spațiu pentru bingo la ICE 2017
True to its ‘Totally Gaming’ pledge, ICE 2017 will feature a new and expanded area dedicated to meeting the specific needs of the land based Bingo sector. Working in partnership with The Bingo Association, Clarion Events, the organizers of ICE Totally Gaming, have created a marketing and networking space dedicated specifically to bingo. The 220 square meter ICE Bingo Pavilion will be situated in S9 at London’s ExCeL...
Berlin Affiliate Conference visitors welcomed by EiGParticipanții de la Berlin Affiliate Conference vor putea vizita și EiG
Attendees at this year’s Berlin Affiliate Conference (BAC) are being offered a free pass to the Excellence in iGaming (EiG) expo in the same city. The EiG event takes place at Arena Berlin from October 20-22, meaning it finishes on the same day that BAC begins at the Berlin ExpoCenter. Clarion-organised EiG is this year aiming for the first time to reach out to the full iGaming ecosystem through its offer of debate, networking...