Robert Turcescu, less player, more human :“I never bet one card only”Robert Turcescu, mai puţin jucător şi mai mult OM:“Nu mizez niciodată pe o singură carte!”
14 sept. 2010

Robert Turcescu, less player, more human :“I never bet one card only”Robert Turcescu, mai puţin jucător şi mai mult OM:“Nu mizez niciodată pe o singură carte!”

When hes not engaged in journalistic projects, “the boy from Pitesti” finds the time to talk about the years in college, impressions on the gambling world, but especially about realities like “journalist career” and “the courage of the Romanians to defeat hypocrisy”. He is a character with at least one trump – honesty.     How much luck and how much passion there have been in your journalist career in Romania? Before...

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Dan Capatos – The gambling industry must have a proper image only in the eyes of those interested Dan Capatos – Industria de gambling trebuie să aibă o imagine bună doar în ochii celor interesaţi
27 apr. 2010

Dan Capatos – The gambling industry must have a proper image only in the eyes of those interested Dan Capatos – Industria de gambling trebuie să aibă o imagine bună doar în ochii celor interesaţi

A different kind of interview with one of the funniest and most sincere talk-show host, Dan Capatos starring Antena 1 (“Un show pacatos”), about how much is a “sinful show” in gambling, as is entertainment and strategy or simply luck.    Do you usually attend anything that regards this area called gambling? Casinos, slot machines…? I am practically an outsider in this field. I am not a heavy player of casinos, but I stop by...

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