Caesars sees a bright future for online gamesCaesars prevede un viitor strălucit jocurilor online
05 mart. 2012

Caesars sees a bright future for online gamesCaesars prevede un viitor strălucit jocurilor online

The Executive Director of Caesars casino in Las Vegas said that his empire will benefit from the development of the online gaming industry by means of social media. He also said that online games that Caesars offers by its Playtika subsidiary are beneficial to the business since they are legal for anyone who wants to use them, anywhere in the world. The company clarified its intentions related to the online gaming industry saying that...

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The Isildur1 FactorFactorul “Isildur1”
25 iul. 2011

The Isildur1 FactorFactorul “Isildur1”

With multi-million dollar swings in the biggest games anywhere online, no single player has had more of an impact on the world of poker in recent times than Viktor ‘Isildur1’ Blom. By now, there is no one in poker who doesn’t know the legend of Isildur1. With a poker nickname ripped from „Lord of the Rings,” the wunderkind seemed to come out of nowhere to challenge and beat the biggest names in the game....

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