Casino Gambling in Japan Suffers Another Blow as Bill to be DelayedJocurile de Noroc din Japonia primesc o nouă lovitură,  proiectul de lege privind gamblingul din această țară va fi amânat
03 apr. 2015

Casino Gambling in Japan Suffers Another Blow as Bill to be DelayedJocurile de Noroc din Japonia primesc o nouă lovitură, proiectul de lege privind gamblingul din această țară va fi amânat

According to Reuters Prospects for legalising casino gambling in Japan suffered another blow on Monday, 30th March, as proponents said they would delay a bill allowing „integrated resorts”, as the ruling coalition remains divided on the controversial measure. Pro-casino lawmakers had said last week they would resubmit a previously failed bill by Tuesday, the end of the fiscal year. But they backed away from that plan on...

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Vladivostok starts work on first casino resort      Vladivostok începe lucrul la primul  cazino resort
20 nov. 2012

Vladivostok starts work on first casino resort Vladivostok începe lucrul la primul cazino resort

The first casino resort in the city of Vladivostok, Russia is now under construction, the local government in the Primorsky region announced, according to official media. Vladivostok is one of the four regions allocated by the Russian government to have gaming. The mountainous region of Vladivostok, which borders China and Korea is roughly a two-hour flight from Seoul or Tokyo. The Russian Government want 12 casinos with the first...

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Las Vegas Sands announces plans for Eiffel Tower replica in MacauLas Vegas Sands anunță planul său de a construi o replică a Turnului Eiffel în Macau
10 oct. 2012

Las Vegas Sands announces plans for Eiffel Tower replica in MacauLas Vegas Sands anunță planul său de a construi o replică a Turnului Eiffel în Macau

Las Vegas Sands announces plans for Eiffel Tower replica in Macau Las Vegas Sands Corp. Chairman Sheldon Adelson said Thursday in Macau the company would build a scaled-down replica of the Eiffel Tower as part of a new $3 billion hotel-casino on the Cotai Strip region. Adelson unveiled plans for The Parisian during the opening of a Sheraton hotel, which is part of the second phase of the company’s $4.4 billion Sands Cotai...

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