launches new Android poker lansează noua aplicație de poker pentru Android
17 aug. 2012 launches new Android poker lansează noua aplicație de poker pentru Android

Poker players can now play online at using an Android device, mobile smartphone or tablet. Portable poker on Android allows poker players to play for real money or to practice for free using play money. When players log into RedKings Poker from their Android smartphone or tablet they connect to thousands already playing and get the same spectacular poker features all optimized for their Android device. RedKings has...

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PokerFest Deva
16 mai 2012

PokerFest Deva

Etapa a 4-a a seriei PokerFest incepe astazi la Deva cu un prim supersatelit din cele doua , de la care se spera ca vor atrage cat mai multi participanti la Main Event. Structura PokerFest Deva este standard astfel ca dupa cei doi supersateliti de miercuri si joi care vor incepe la ora 13:00, la ora 18:00 Joi va avea loc Side-Eventul  de 150 Euro Second Chance. Mult asteptatul Main Event de la Deva va incepe Vineri 18 Mai urmand ca...

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The Effective Evaluation of Texas Hold’em Hands: The Power Matrix of HandEvaluarea corectă a mâinilor de Hold’em: Matricea de putere a unei mâini
08 feb. 2012

The Effective Evaluation of Texas Hold’em Hands: The Power Matrix of HandEvaluarea corectă a mâinilor de Hold’em: Matricea de putere a unei mâini

by Catalin Barboianu One of the most important strategic elements of Texas Hold’em is the evaluation of hand. The result of this evaluation is called the power of hand., and every hand is played differently, according to this power. Players talk about the power of hand in various ways, but the statistical ones are the most common. In this view, a hand is seen as powerful according to how many times it proved to be a winning hand in...

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H.O.S.E.: Mixed up PokerH.O.S.E: Poker mixt
08 dec. 2011

H.O.S.E.: Mixed up PokerH.O.S.E: Poker mixt

HOSE (aka H.O.S.E or S.H.O.E.) is a term used for playing a mixed game of poker consisting of four different poker games and is made up of cycling through each of the poker components of the acronym: H.O.S.E (Hold’em, Omaha High Low, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Stud High Low Eight or Better). This form of poker is most common at higher limit casino tables and is popular since it requires players to be skilled at many different forms...

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Andrei One este number one pentru România la WCOOP
09 sept. 2011

Andrei One este number one pentru România la WCOOP

După Dan Murariu la Sunday Million acum 2 săptămâni, ieri a fost rândul lui Andrei One să se evidențieze la masa de poker online. Astfel, pe 8 septembrie, în cadrul World Championship Of Online Poker desfășurat la PokerStars, Andrei One, unul din cei mai buni jucători din România, cunoscut online sub pseudonimul „extasyman”, a reușit să câștige prima brățară din istorie pentru România la mondialul de poker online, după ce s-a impus în...

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