Programul Joc Responsabil la 6 ani de la lansare
08 feb. 2018

Programul Joc Responsabil la 6 ani de la lansare

După ce a devenit cea mai importantă inițiativă a industriei de profil în zona responsabilității sociale, Programul Joc Responsabil va cunoaște dezvoltări importante și în 2018 Echipa Joc Responsabil promovează de peste șase ani principiile raportării corecte a companiilor de jocuri de noroc din România față de clienții acestora, contribuind activ la asigurarea unor reale raporturi de responsabilitate a industriei de profil în raport...

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HELMUTH DUCKADAM: “One needs luck in life, for sure”HELMUTH DUCKADAM: “Cu siguranţă, ai nevoie de şansă în viaţă”
22 feb. 2013

HELMUTH DUCKADAM: “One needs luck in life, for sure”HELMUTH DUCKADAM: “Cu siguranţă, ai nevoie de şansă în viaţă”

I joined recently in the privacy of the home of the Hero in Seville, Helmuth Duckadam, and we have had an interesting discussion about life, family and … gambling. What amazes me to this man, even now, is its modesty, the seriousness with which deals with things, but also his fine humor. His calm but baritone voice, sounds comforting in your ears and you feel like you never want to leave the place. If you were to describe...

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07 feb. 2013


Change. This is the most popular word of the last 23 years. I for one would like to replace it with STABILITY. More than ever, we need stability in our society and not change. For example, did you know that from 1st of February change the Romanian Tax Code changes? For the X time… I have lost the count …We should start to do something about it. We bring down instead of preserving what is good and to continue to build on it. Each...

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