We want to bring your attention to the Black Sea Poker Tour ( The first ever tournament will take place in „Golden Sands”, Bulgaria one of the prettiest resorts on the Black Sea in Grand Hotel & Casino ” International „, from 27.07 to 4.08. You can check out pictures of the Hotel, The Casino and the amazing infinity pool parties at our site, The Main Event Day 1A...
Eureka Golden Sands – Poker to the Black SeaEureka Golden Sands – Poker la Marea Neagră
The sun, the beach, beautiful girls and of course a great deal of poker have turned the Eureka Golden Sands event into o successful one, where players have mixed business with pleasure enjoing a short vacation combined with the pleasure of playing within a major European tournament, Eureka Poker Tour. The Onset Eureka begun on the 4th of June, as any tournament should, with a satellite (50€ + 5€, NLH Rebuy) for the Main Event, which...
Betting on tourism gambling Pariind pe turismul de gambling
Most persons in modern societies travel away from their homes temporarily to become tourists of some sort. Some of them indulge in gambling games, a phenomenon exploited to maximum by some countries. The world’s supply of gambling facilities has increased as more countries and regions have established casinos and organized tournaments. The gambling tourism is not a new thing and nonsense. In many cases, the developments are associated...
Unibet Open Nisipurile de Aur etapa a II-a, un turneu “surprinzător”
În Bulgaria, mai exact în staţiunea de lux Nisipurile de Aur, a avut loc cea de a doua etapa a Unibet Open în perioada 3-6 iunie, eveniment la care Casino Inside a fost singura revistă românească de gambling prezentă în calitate de partener media. La startul acestei întreceri disputate la Grand Hotel & Casino International s-au înscris circa 500 de jucători din toată Europa, cu un buy-in de 1500 euro +150 euro. 3 iunie 2010, prima...
Conferinta de presa – Unibet Open Golden Sands , 5 iunie
Unibet, una dintre cele mai mari case de pariuri sportive si jocuri online din Europa, alege in fiecare an o serie de orase europene in care sponsorizeaza desfasurarea prestigioisului turneu de poker Unibet Open. La conferinta de presa tinuta astazi au participat si au raspuns intrebarilor reprezentantii organizatorilor, respectiv: Krasimir Tokushev – Casino Manager Grand Hotel & Casino International, Dessislava Evstatieva –...