Cele mai scumpe Resorturi Turistice din lume
Se apropie sezonul vacanțelor și am considerat că este momentul oportun pentru un top care să include cele mai scumpe resorturi turistice din lume. Am făcut un top pe continente, astfel ca fiecare zonă a planetei să aibă un reprezentant în acest clasament. Grand Resort Lagonissi, Atena, Grecia, 50.000$/noapte Europenii sunt în acest top cu o locație din Grecia. Pe undeva este surprinzător prin prisma faptului că te așteptai ca acest...
Euro Games Technology – the point of reference in gambling Euro Games Technology – punctul de reper în gambling
The solutions in EGT portfolio cover most of the needs of the operators and have so much to offer in terms of diversity, innovations and creativity. At the same time, they are made to meet all business requirements of operators, as well as the expectations of players worldwide. @ICE 2018 EGT has returned at the ICE show, the most attended and important event in the gaming industry, with twice bigger stand and a display of many...
Macau casino tycoon Stanley Ho set to retireMagnatul Cazinourilor din Macao, Stanley Ho, pregătit să se retragă
After more than four decades serving on the board of Shun Tak Holdings Limited, Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho is reportedly stepping down as the firm’s Chairman and is to hand the reins for the giant conglomerate to his daughter, Pansy Ho. According to a report from the Reuters news service, 95-year-old Ho is set to assume the title of Chairman Emeritus for Shun Tak Holdings Limited, which has interests in property, shipping, and...
Daniel Cates, an online poker legendDaniel Cates, o legendă în pokerul online
The player born in Maryland, the United States, Daniel Cates, also called “jungleman” (on Full Tilt Poker) or “w00ki3z” (on Poker Stars). Between 2009 and 2016, he had won from online poker games played on the two famous poker websites, over 11 million dollars, turning him into the second most important winner in history, after Patrik Antonius. Youth struggles and dropping out of college By the age of 17, he had a boring childhood,...
The world of meta-gamblers: just how lucrative is spread betting on the gambling companiesLumea meta-pariorilor: cât de profitabile sunt pariurile la bursă pe companiile din gambling
-Oana Mihalache Spread betting is no longer a socially or economically reprehensible activity. Moreover, Warren Buffet became one of the richest people in the world after he literally learned the art of investment – a company he had taken over in 1964 had a share price of $19, but today one of its shares is worth $204.600. Well, now gambling companies have become the new point of interest for investors, given the industry’s...