Kaizen Gaming lansează un program internațional de voluntariat
„The Collective” își propune să aducă un impact social semnificativ și o diferență pozitivă în comunitățile din întreaga lume. Primele inițiative de voluntariat au fost deja lansate în șase orașe din Europa și Brazilia. Kaizen Gaming, una dintre cele mai mari și cu cea mai rapidă creștere companii GameTech din lume, a lansat „The Collective”, un nou program internațional de voluntariat. „The...
KAJOT is a dynamic, growing company. The proof of this is that the Czech firm is ready to offer its customers and games in the online environment, too. In this Cover Story we present the latest nouvelties that they will introduce on the Romanian market both in the landbased area and in the online gambling zone. Hello Jan, we haven´t heard from you for some time, tell us please, what is new within the KAJOT? Hello, there has been a lot...
Boxing and its role in promoting the entertainment through sports in Las Vegas Boxul și rolul său în promovarea entertainmentului prin sport în Las Vegas
by Cristina Toderaș Today, one of the most popular sport in Europe and America, and the origin of which is linked to the antics festivals when one of the tow players died at the end, is boxing. However, one can admit that US made a major contribution during the 20th century to the way how this sport is seen and looked currently. The city which supported the most boxing, turning it into a valuable industry very well-known today, is Las...
A very successful ICE for Nsoft Un ICE de mare succes pentru Nsoft
As expected, ICE 2017 was very successful for NSoft. Thirty-nine people were part of the team travelling to ICE this year and presenting the newest additions to the product families. New stand design, new products, new people, new friendships and partnerships. The Importance of ICE ICE is ‘The Thing’ in the industry. Majority of the business we create, contacts that we get come from ICE. Our year starts and ends with ICE. Everybody...
SUZOHAPP awarded ‘Distributor of the Year Award’ from ELO Touch for the second year runningSUZOHAPP distins cu ‘Premiul Distribuitorul Anului’ de către ELO Touch pentru al doilea an la rând
SUZOHAPP in EMEA has once again received the highest allocation from a key supplier. ELO Touch has presented its Distributor of the Year Award 2015 for the EMEA region to SUZOHAPP. Maarten Bais, EMEA Vice president of ELO Touch, presented the prestigious award to SUZOHAPP’s Harald Wagemaker (Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing of Gaming and Casino EMEA) and Goran Sovilj (Regional Sales Director). Mr. Wagemaker proudly...