EPT Monte Carlo, Super High Roller – premii de peste 2 milioane de euro
08 apr. 2012

EPT Monte Carlo, Super High Roller – premii de peste 2 milioane de euro

 PokerStars anunță primul turneu Super High Roller, cu taxă de participare de 100.000 euro, o premieră în Europa, întâmpinată cu entuziasm de jucători de poker celebri. Evenimentul va deschide Marea Finală a European Poker Tour organizat de PokerStars și Monte Carlo Casino, care se va derula între 23 aprilie și 1 mai la Monaco.Printre jucătorii profesioniști care și-au confirmat participarea la Super High Roller se numără Daniel...

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13 oct. 2011


EPT Barcelona returned to its traditional end-of-summer slot for EPT Season 8 with the Main Event between August 27 – September 1. The whole event took place in an annexe of the Gran Casino at the Arts Hotel giving the event a fantastically spacious venue in a very luxurious setting. This edition 2011 accumulated a huge success. And as usual, the big community of poker stars invaded the poker room of the Gran Casino Barcelona. Indeed,...

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PokerStars Pro Team won five WSOP braceletsEchipa Pokerstars Pro a câştigat cinci brăţări WSOP
29 iul. 2011

PokerStars Pro Team won five WSOP braceletsEchipa Pokerstars Pro a câştigat cinci brăţări WSOP

The members of Team PokerStars Pro ruled the 42nd annual edition of World Series of Poker. Eugene Katchalov, Bertrand ‘ElkY’ Grospellier, Jason Mercier, Andre Akkari and Maxim Lykov won the most wanted WSOP bracelet. Through their Ukrainean, French, American, Brazilian and Russian representatives, the PokerStars team totalized a 2,38 million dollars winnings at this years’s championship, winning tournaments at Texas...

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