Casele de pariuri preconizează victoria lui Trump în alegerile din SUA
Pe măsură ce cursa prezidențială din SUA între vicepreședintele Kamala Harris și fostul președinte Donald Trump se întețește, mai multe case de pariuri indică o victorie a lui Trump pe 5 noiembrie. Site-ul de pariuri electorale bazat pe blockchain Polymarket a raportat o șansă de 60% pentru victoria lui Trump, fiind prima dată când a fost depășit acest prag de la sfârșitul lunii iulie. Recent, atât Reuters, cât și Wall Street Journal...
WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO DONALD TRUMP? Special Bets on Donald Trump |US Political BetsCE SE VA ÎNTÂMPLA CU DONALD TRUMP? Pariuri speciale pe Donald Trump | Pariuri politice USA
by Mircea Panait Gambling experts and lobbyists bet that Trump, as casino owner and opportunistic businessman, will take steps to have sport betting and other gambling, that have been banned in the US as early as 1992, legalized. The American president is anything but boring. Starting with incendiary and populistic statements, rumors about his involvement with women of easy virtue and until the scandal of 2016 elections, the American...
The world of meta-gamblers: just how lucrative is spread betting on the gambling companiesLumea meta-pariorilor: cât de profitabile sunt pariurile la bursă pe companiile din gambling
-Oana Mihalache Spread betting is no longer a socially or economically reprehensible activity. Moreover, Warren Buffet became one of the richest people in the world after he literally learned the art of investment – a company he had taken over in 1964 had a share price of $19, but today one of its shares is worth $204.600. Well, now gambling companies have become the new point of interest for investors, given the industry’s...
America under Trump: loisir time for gambling? What do experts predict for the post-Obama betting industry in AmericaAmerica sub Trump – o perioadă de loisir pentru gambling? Care sunt previziunile specialiștilor pentru industria americană de pariuri post-Obama
-Oana Mihalache The recent elections that resulted in Trump being chosen as the president of the United States became a reason for some to be angry, while for others generated thrill in front of the change to come, but for business in general and for industries it opened a new path of uncertainty. Given the fact that during the campaign no clear directions were set regarding economic measures for the new mandate, it is not surprising...
Trump as President could spell end of online gambling in USTrump ca Președinte ar putea însemna sfârșitul jocurilor de noroc online în SUA
Gaming industry observers in the United States are anxiously waiting to see what President-elect Donald Trump has in mind for the future of online gambling. It has been reported that Las Vegas Sands Chairman Sheldon Adelson had donated in at least $25 million to the Trump campaign. Adelson has publicly assailed online gambling in an extensive lobbying and legislative effort to make it illegal. When Trump becomes the 45th President in...