Royal Poker Club – 2 Years Anniversary      Royal Poker Club a împlinit 2 ani
02 nov. 2016

Royal Poker Club – 2 Years Anniversary Royal Poker Club a împlinit 2 ani

On 8th of August, the most beautiful poker club in Ardeal and also the most awarded by our magazine, celebrated two years of activity. Every day, for a week, the people of Cluj have participated in large numbers at guaranteed tournaments organized by Royal. On this occasion, Dan Semenescu, Events Manager and shareholder answered a few of our questions: What are the strengths and secrets of success in a business where few can withstand...

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Royal Poker ClubRoyal Poker Club
17 iun. 2014

Royal Poker ClubRoyal Poker Club

Royal Poker Club is the fourth poker club opened in Cluj-Napoca, after the new adopted law from last year. Cluj has a bog players community, the second community after Bucharest, taking into account that most of Transilvanian players moved to Cluj, the second academic centre, for studying. Royal Poker Club is about to be opened in July 2014. Therefore, Dan Semenescu, the club manager will answer some of our questions. Dan, why so...

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Ziua 1B la Queen Poker Tour (QPT)
13 aug. 2011

Ziua 1B la Queen Poker Tour (QPT)

A doua zi a turneului de poker Queen Poker Tour organizat în incinta hotelului Howard Johnson (Sala Iridium) a avut la startul său 141 de jucători care au plătit un buy-in de 500E + 50E. Printre participanți am identificat jucători cu greutate ca Cristian Rajală (Keke), Katamax, Dan Semenescu, Ciorabai Ferdi,Dan Georgescu (Fox) sau Ștefan Ciucă. Vă vom ține la curent cu cele mai importante evoluții pe tot parcursul turneului....

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Dan Semenescu:  “You always like going where is winning”   Dan Semenescu:  “Întotdeauna îţi place acolo unde câştigi”
28 iul. 2011

Dan Semenescu: “You always like going where is winning” Dan Semenescu: “Întotdeauna îţi place acolo unde câştigi”

Dan is 30 years old, he is married and finished the Mathematics Faculty in 2004. He owns an internet café, a online payment solution, and recently he has become shareholder for a poker cake network. He also has a poker sports club in Cluj, Transilvania Poker Club, where there are around 200 registered members… Please tell us how and why did you start playing poker? A started playing poker in 2004 by mistake. In the USA I received a...

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Unibet Open Nisipurile de Aur etapa a II-a, un turneu “surprinzător”
22 iun. 2010

Unibet Open Nisipurile de Aur etapa a II-a, un turneu “surprinzător”

În Bulgaria, mai exact în staţiunea de lux Nisipurile de Aur, a avut loc cea de a doua etapa a Unibet Open în perioada 3-6 iunie, eveniment la care Casino Inside a fost singura revistă românească de gambling prezentă în calitate de partener media. La startul acestei întreceri disputate la Grand Hotel & Casino International s-au înscris circa 500 de jucători din toată Europa, cu un buy-in de 1500 euro +150 euro. 3 iunie 2010, prima...

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