Poker player wins $2.7m at Crown Casino in AustraliaUn jucător de poker a câștigat 2,7 milioane $ la Crown Casino în Australia
A WA (West Australia) punter has proved that the house doesn’t always win – walking out of Perth’s Crown casino in the early hours of Sunday $2.7 million richer. On the same weekend as another local gambler squandered $99,000 on a beaten favourite at Belmont, this poker player enjoyed a rather more enjoyable night out. The win came around 3am Sunday in the $15 Progressive Poker jackpot at Crown. The amount of the jackpot matches...
Crown looking to raise $400 million for casino expansionCrown încercă să strângă 400 de milioane pentru extinderea cazinourilor
Crown wants to raise $400 million to help pay for its casino expansion plans. The move follows announcements by Crown to spend $568 million building a new six-star hotel at its Burswood complex in Perth. Chief financial officer Ken Barton said Crown was undertaking a range of capital expenditure programs at Burswood and its Melbourne casino and hotels complex. One of Crown’s major shareholders, Consolidated Press Holdings, will...
Cazinoul Burswood, redenumit pentru a atrage noi clienți
Directorul executiv Crown, James Packer, a lansat o provocare Guvernului Federal de a crește investițiile în turism, pentru a încuraja fluxul de vizitatori asiatici. Omul de afaceri a dezvăluit proiectul său de 750 de milioane de dolari menit să atragă turiști asiatici în Perth. Planul miliardarului constă în redenumirea complexului Burswood Entertainment Complex în Crown Perth. Procesul de rebranding face parte din efortul lui Packer...