19 iul. 2013


Din cele mai vechi timpuri dorinţa de a paria s-a manifestat pe toate meridianele globului, ȋntr-o formă sau alta. La ȋnceput pariurile se realizau ȋntre două sau mai multe persoane și nu implicau neapărat sume de bani. Plăcerea de a avea dreptate și a miza pe acest lucru a atras și atrage pe oricine, atât timp cât acest lucru este realizat ȋn primul rând din plăcere și nu neapărat urmărind un câștig financiar. Ȋn epoca modernă,...

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WINNER! Are you in?WINNER! Ești cu noi?
08 iul. 2013

WINNER! Are you in?WINNER! Ești cu noi?

For a short time now, the Winner brand entered the Romanian market of offline bookmakers by opening several betting agencies in Bucharest and throughout the country. Especially for this edition of our magazine we interviewed the business development director of the company, Andra Enescu, and we found out more data and very interesting information for betting fans, details that we also share with you in the following material. What...

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Betting Techniques– Easy MoneyTehnici de pariere – Easy Money
09 apr. 2012

Betting Techniques– Easy MoneyTehnici de pariere – Easy Money

For today, a few words about one of the most enjoyed betting techniques, the method used by most of the gamblers with or without experience. Because it’s easy to be applied and the games chosen offer a high level of confidence. The Easy Money system involves having a starting stake on a match or on a ticket composed of more games that you consider to be the most sure of regarding the winning chances. This is the first step, because...

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