ICE Londra 2022 a fost cea mai mare, cea mai cuprinzătoare și cea mai reprezentativă expoziție de jocuri de noroc la nivel internațional care a avut loc de la precedenta ediție a ICE din februarie 2020.
Un interviu foarte interesant, asemeni celor oferite de revista noastră de 12 ani încoace, în care avem plăcerea să prezentăm cititorilor noștri date importante despre cum s-a desfășurat ICE Londra 2022, cu contribuția CEO-ului Clarion Events, domnul Stuart Hunter, care a avut amabilitatea să răspundă la întrebările noastre. Citind interviul, veți descoperi cum s-a situat ICE London 2022 din punct de vedere al cifrelor/procentelor și...
KATE CHAMBERS, Managing Director, Gaming Division, Clarion Events „We are nothing without our exhibitors. They makes ICE The World Theatre of Gaming” KATE CHAMBERS, Managing Director, Divizia de Gaming, Clarion Events „Noi nu reprezentăm nimic fără expozanți. Ei sunt cei care fac din evenimentul ICE un Teatru Mondial al Jocurilor de Noroc”
“We are only as good as our last show”, told us Kate Chambers. And it’s true. The ICE TOTALLY GAMING from this year was magnificent. Kate had courtesy to do an early radiography, just weeks after the end of the largest gaming exhibition in the world. Are a lots of interesting data here because are fresh and directly from the source. Let’s Enjoy! We are lucky! How was ICE Totally Gaming 2017 for Clarion Events team? You are...
EiG returns to Berlin with M&As under the spotlightEiG revine la Berlin cu Fuziuni și Achiziții în centrul atenției
Berlin, May 20, 2015 – Clarion Events has announced that EiG (Excellence in iGaming) will return to Berlin in October, with mergers, acquisitions and consolidation set to be high up on the agenda. EiG 2015, which will run from October 20-22 at Arena Berlin, will serve as a platform for debate surrounding the evolving iGaming sector, with the confirmation this week of multiple bids for having provided a timely...
Paul Mills, Clarion Events: „The Slot Summit Europe is about the Future”Paul Mills, Clarion Events: „Evenimentul Slot Summit Europe este despre Viitor”
Because one of the most important events dedicated to gambling ever held in our country is coming, we present new information about this event right from the source: Paul Mills- Operations Director at Clarion Events, the event organizer. Tell us why you pick Bucharest to be the host of European Slot Summit in this year on 9-11 June? Firstly Bucharest is a beautiful city, with all the trappings that come with being a European Capital....
Let’s do more responsible business!Să facem afaceri fiind responsabili!
By Insider Our gambling industry will be the courtship target of foreign investors in June, which will come in Romania for the European Slot Summit (ESS). For over 5 years we constantly invite you, in the pages or our magazine, our sites and events, to do business. Namely, we invite you to learn more about your business and try to grow it or maybe to sell it to the ones with enough financial and logistical power to further develop it....