Rata de incidență „must go”
16 ian. 2021

Rata de incidență „must go”

De când a apărut această rată de incidență care ne conduce viața am ajuns să stăm toată ziua cu ochii în comunicările autorităților centrale sau locale ce își manifestă puterea tot mai mare în Comitetele și Comițiile pentru situații de urgență. Las la o parte competența mai mult mai puțin pusă la îndoială în ale pandemiei și tot ce derivă din asta, pentru care alții fac școală vreo 10 ani, iar alții au “învățat-o” rapid din câteva...

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The D Las Vegas Again Scores Most Votes in USA Today “Best Casino” PD Las Vegas înregistrează din nou cele mai multe voturi în urma sondajului „Cel mai bun cazinou” realizat de USA Today
25 sept. 2020

The D Las Vegas Again Scores Most Votes in USA Today “Best Casino” PD Las Vegas înregistrează din nou cele mai multe voturi în urma sondajului „Cel mai bun cazinou” realizat de USA Today

USA Today, the national newspaper this month released its online survey naming reader choices for best casinos in Las Vegas and outside Sin City. Also released were survey results for best tourist attractions in Las Vegas. The online results are not scientific. For these surveys, which cover a range of topics, USA Today editors and experts in that field select 20 nominees. For one month, people can go online once a day to vote....

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The Secrets of Casinos (XXXIII)  Betting suggestions based on personality. A casino selection for different types of personalities.Secretele Cazinourilor (XXXIII)  Pe ce să pariezi în funcție de personalitate. Selecție de cazinouri pentru tipuri de personalități diferite.
14 apr. 2020

The Secrets of Casinos (XXXIII) Betting suggestions based on personality. A casino selection for different types of personalities.Secretele Cazinourilor (XXXIII) Pe ce să pariezi în funcție de personalitate. Selecție de cazinouri pentru tipuri de personalități diferite.

It is known that different personalities are attracted by different types of activities. This also applies for those who choose to try their luck in casinos, playing different games where they hope to make as much money as possible.   For example, based on your personality type, you can find out what kind of games suit you so that you do not spend all your money on something that is doomed to failure. Sometimes it’s not...

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Casino Filipino Manila, the Pearl of Philippines gamblingCasino Filipino Manila, perla gamblingului filipinez
01 apr. 2013

Casino Filipino Manila, the Pearl of Philippines gamblingCasino Filipino Manila, perla gamblingului filipinez

Casino Filipino, the biggest casino in the Philippines and one of the largest in the world offers its customers no less than 15,000 square meters of pure adrenaline with its offer of table games or slot machine mix. Over the next 10 years, Philippines together with Singapore will increasingly threaten more, the leading position in the Asian gambling of the city of Macao. Hyatt Hotel & Casino is a deluxe five-star hotel situated in...

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Great feedback at Irish show for DRGT Feedback excelent pentru DRGT la expoziția irlandeză
21 mart. 2013

Great feedback at Irish show for DRGT Feedback excelent pentru DRGT la expoziția irlandeză

Operators in Ireland had the ideal opportunity at this year’s Irish Gaming Show that took place between 5th and 6th March in Dublin to see how their current slots can be made future-proof. The need for connecting the slots is rising and DRGT is ideally placed to support this market. Together with DRGT’s local partner – FunFair Casino – DRGT exhibited its latest solutions. The discussion on the potential introduction of the Gaming...

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