Casa Pariurilor – together for over 10 yearsCasa Pariurilor – De peste 10 ani împreună
We went out on the field willing to prove that sports belong to their supporters. They are those who keep everybody’s passion alive, those who deserve to experience all the emotions and the joys of the players on the pitch. It has been over 10 years since we are sharing the same unconditional passion for sports and our mindset has not changed a bit: supporters are, still, the engine of sports. In a painting of spectacular occasions...
Casa Pariurilor, unul dintre operatori de pariuri din Romania care ofera clientiilor sai entertainment de cea mai buna calitate, si-a extins colaborarea cu Nsoft. O noua gama de jocuri virtuale Nsoft au fost lansate si sunt operate de site-ul Casa Pariurilor. Noua gama de jocuri include Lucky Six, Lucky X si jocurile cu intreceri: intreceri cu ogari, plus intreceri cu ogari virtuale si intreceri virtuale cu cai, toate dezvoltate de...
PRACTICE IN RESPONSIBLE GAMING 2, a step forward in the fight against addictionEVENIMENTUL PRACTICA ÎN JOCUL RESPONSABIL 2, un pas înainte în combaterea adicției
On May 19th took place at Hotel Novotel, Paris Rive Gauche Hall, Bucharest, the second edition of the event Practice in responsible gaming, event organized by our magazine – Casino Inside and supported by the „Joc Responsabil” Program, successfully implemented within thousands of game rooms by the members of associations Romanian Bookmakers – The Patronage of Romanian Betting Organizers and Romslot – the Association...
As you know, during September 2nd to 4th, took place the most important industry trade show, the exhibition was attended by some of the most popular companies at the moment, but also some of the most powerful companies in this industry NEWTON SLOTS is one of the companies that has had a resounding success in the context of this exhibition, offering the best solutions for all slot-machine land-based operators in Romania. The systems...
Prin eliminarea plafonului neimpozabil pentru veniturile din jocuri de noroc, statul încurajează jocurile ilegale
Alianţa Confederaţiilor Patronale din România (ACPR) şi Asociaţia Organizatorilor de Pariuri din România se opun propunerii de modificare a art. 77 din Codul Fiscal în sensul eliminării plafonului neimpozabil, de 600 lei, pentru veniturile din jocuri de noroc. În semn de protest, faţă de această decizie a Guvernului, cele doua instituţii au hotărât ca, începând de marţi, 8 iunie, casele de pariuri să fie închise. Purtătorul de cuvânt...