De ce Unibet? – casa de pariuri care exprimă distracția în siguranță
11 dec. 2023

De ce Unibet? – casa de pariuri care exprimă distracția în siguranță

Pentru că Unibet a devenit un nume sinonim cu distracția în siguranță. Mă regăsesc jucând la Unibet și am o mulțime de motive. Da, distracția în siguranță, un concept pe care îl caută orice parior, orice jucător. Și, nu mă feresc să spun, cum percep și înțeleg Unibet, de ce pariez, joc, mă distrez aici. Foarte important este și ce îmi oferă în plus față de alți operatori. De ce? O întrebare care, de cele mai multe ori, are răspunsuri...

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BETONE, your guide to a successful partnership!BETONE, ghidul tău pentru un parteneriat de succes!
11 mai 2021

BETONE, your guide to a successful partnership!BETONE, ghidul tău pentru un parteneriat de succes!

Franchising is a means of developing business used in all areas of the world. A first advantage is that when you open a franchise you do not expose yourself to the unknown, as in the case of a business started from scratch, which rules over the life of an entrepreneur at the beginning of the road. By opening a franchise, you already benefit from a well-implemented business model. You don’t hit the road on your own, but you will...

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Paid bets, paid picks, paid tips – Should we buy or not? (2)Pariuri plătite, paid picks, paid tips – Să cumpărăm sau nu? (2)
31 iul. 2017

Paid bets, paid picks, paid tips – Should we buy or not? (2)Pariuri plătite, paid picks, paid tips – Să cumpărăm sau nu? (2)

by Mircea Panait In the previous edition of the magazine, we have made an analysis of paid bets. We are trying to elaborate this topic, which is very special and for which, however, little pertinent data and information ca be found. The question „Does it worth paying for bets/tips” is problematic for most of us. If you have already decided, consider the following pieces of advice: a) do you have accounts in betting houses...

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Since betting is such a popular activity, why are there so few professional punters?La cât de populare sunt pariurile, oare de ce există atât de puțini pariori profesioniști?
25 mai 2017

Since betting is such a popular activity, why are there so few professional punters?La cât de populare sunt pariurile, oare de ce există atât de puțini pariori profesioniști?

by Valentin Macovei Is it true that you have a friend, who knows a guy, who lives next to that professional punter that all your friends are talking about? Don’t ask me how I know that! There’s a lot of talk about betting, about specialists, and about professionals. But where are all these professionals? When you use this word, you need to be fully aware of its meaning. We can call someone who makes a living exclusively out of betting...

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Editorial – Not only B2B, but so much more…Editorial – Nu doar B2B, ci cu mult mai mult…
14 mai 2016

Editorial – Not only B2B, but so much more…Editorial – Nu doar B2B, ci cu mult mai mult…

By Insider I am a consumer of gambling. I enjoy watching the news on poker, betting topics, or who has or how a new casino was built in the Nevada desert, for example. At the same time, I am a sober-minded player, a balanced one. I play, but just as much as I can afford to. I’m having fun. I socialize. From time to time, I hear the ill intended telling us that we are too B2B. So, this time I thought I should to point out some...

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