Best Horses in the world (II)Cei mai buni cai din lume (II)
We continue our article on the most appreciated race horses in the world today. If the first part was dedicated to Frankel, Black Caviar, Cirrus Des Aigles, Danedram and Dream Ahead, this last one will take care of the remaining horses that according to the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities, are in the World thoroughbred Rankings Top 10 horses in the period October 1st 2011 – April 1st 2012. According to...
Maisons-Laffitte Racecourse – a Parisian delightMaisons-Laffitte Racecourse – o încântare pariziană
Text: Oana Mihalache After describing Meydan, the largest and most luxurious racecourse in the world, located in Dubai, for this number we offer the description for the largest racecourse in Europe. It is located in France and it is a resort with a coverage of 2 miles length. The Maisons-Laffitte Racecourse offers you an exceptional environment along the Seine in a wooded park. All is united for an unforgettable experience. The...
Racetrack of Ploiești, history, present and future (II)Hipodromul din Ploiești, istorie, prezent și viitor (II)
By Insider Here we are in present time. I got into my car and left for Ploiești. By courtesy of mayor Volosevici and city hall secretary, Oana Iacob, I got to talk to Viorel Tudor, who is general manager of CSM Ploiești (Municipal Sports Club), which administrates the Racetrack of Ploiești. Present time Since from beginning Mister Viorel Tudor seemed to us an open and talkative person, eager to five us as much information and support...
The Racetrack of Ploiesti, history, present and future (I)Hipodromul din Ploiești, istorie, prezent și viitor (I)
Having a 50 years long troubled history, time during which to ones who should have attended to this national treasure, did not, the Racetrack of Ploiesti is the only one in Romania where horse racings take place. Unfortunately, those are rarely held sometimes with long breaks between competitions (years), and this fact detains a discipline that is almost extinct in Romania to revive safely and continuously. Positioning and...
Organizațiile pentru protecția animalelor vor să boicoteze cursa Grand National
Militanții pentru protecția animalelor din Anglia fac apel la populație să boicoteze ediția de anul acesta a cursei de cai Grand National, ca urmare a ratei mortalității ridicate printre caii participanți. Organizația Animal Aid a lansat campania Sanctuary Not Cruelty (Protecție Nu Cruzime), încercând să convingă oamenii să redirecționeze banii pe care i-ar fi pariat la curse către un adăpost pentru cai. Cel puțin 23 de cai au murit...