Gamblers bet record $558 Million at Nevada sports books in SeptemberJucătorii au pariat 558 de milioane de dolari la casele de pariuri sportive din Nevada în septembrie
28 nov. 2017

Gamblers bet record $558 Million at Nevada sports books in SeptemberJucătorii au pariat 558 de milioane de dolari la casele de pariuri sportive din Nevada în septembrie

Boxing’s resurgence in 2017 helped propel Nevada sports books to another monster month in terms of betting activity. According to figures released by state officials, gamblers bet $558.2 million at the books in September, an all-time high for the only state (for now) with legal sports books. Around $30 million of that was bet on the Sept. 16 mega-fight between boxing stars Canelo Alvarez and Gennady “GGG” Golovkin. The previous record...

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Boxing and its role in promoting the entertainment through sports in Las Vegas   Boxul și rolul său în promovarea entertainmentului prin sport în Las Vegas
09 iun. 2017

Boxing and its role in promoting the entertainment through sports in Las Vegas Boxul și rolul său în promovarea entertainmentului prin sport în Las Vegas

by Cristina Toderaș Today, one of the most popular sport in Europe and America, and the origin of which is linked to the antics festivals when one of the tow players died at the end, is boxing. However, one can admit that US made a major contribution during the 20th century to the way how this sport is seen and looked currently. The city which supported the most boxing, turning it into a valuable industry very well-known today, is Las...

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Cristian “Hammer” Ciocan: ” Only through hard work and sacrifices you get to do performance”   Cristian “Hammer” Ciocan: ”Doar prin muncă și sacrificii ajungi să faci performanță”
17 iun. 2015

Cristian “Hammer” Ciocan: ” Only through hard work and sacrifices you get to do performance” Cristian “Hammer” Ciocan: ”Doar prin muncă și sacrificii ajungi să faci performanță”

He has 21 professional boxing matches, in which he obtained 17 wins including 10 knockouts, he was born in Galați and also won a world title at the World Boxing Championship obtained in Morocco in 2006. He is tenacious and has a great thirst for victory. The success achieved in the last years propelled him to the forefront of sports fans in Romania, which earned him fame and recognition. He recently became the face of DMS...

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Leonard Doroftei: ”There were many time I wanted to give up boxing, but I’ve always overcome them“Leonard Doroftei: ”Am vrut să renunț la box de nenumărate ori, dar m-am ridicat mereu.”
26 apr. 2012

Leonard Doroftei: ”There were many time I wanted to give up boxing, but I’ve always overcome them“Leonard Doroftei: ”Am vrut să renunț la box de nenumărate ori, dar m-am ridicat mereu.”

Leonard Doroftei, boxer whose record numbers 22 victories and only one defeat, talks at length about what motivated him in the years of boxing, and about the beginning of his career. What are the challenges of a sportsman’s life, what risks he took and about how much poker resembles boxing, all this issues are cleared by the sportsman himself.   How did the story of Leonard Doroftei begin? You’ll burst will laughter. Everything...

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Mister KO – Lucian Bute si-a pastrat centura
19 apr. 2010

Mister KO – Lucian Bute si-a pastrat centura

Dupa o clara dominare a adversarului in primele doua runde, Lucian l-a curentat pe Edison Miranda cu un uppercut de stanga, dovedind inca odata , daca mai era nevoie, ca este adevaratul campion al categoriel supermijlocii versiunea IBF. Lucian Bute, la  30 de ani, are in palmares cu 26 de victorii, dintre care 21 înainte de limită, în timp ce Edison Miranda, 29 ani, numără 33 victorii (29 prin KO) şi 5...

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