Simon Thomas, Owner & CEO Hippodrome Casino:  „The Hippodrome is the most important project of my life”Simon Thomas, Proprietar și CEO al Hippodrome Casino:  „Hippodrome Casino este cel mai important proiect din viața mea”
16 apr. 2015

Simon Thomas, Owner & CEO Hippodrome Casino: „The Hippodrome is the most important project of my life”Simon Thomas, Proprietar și CEO al Hippodrome Casino: „Hippodrome Casino este cel mai important proiect din viața mea”

–Part 1- The Hippodrome Casino is the UK’s largest international-style casino, and its busiest. With four floors of gaming including the PokerStars LIVE deck, an award winning restaurant, 180-seat cabaret and music room, six bars and an indoor smoking terrace, they are the West End’s largest and most successful entertainment venue. Housed within the former Hippodrome Theatre, their main door opens onto one of the busiest streets...

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The Mayor of London Boris Johnson welcomes ICE 2013!Primarul Londrei, Boris Johnson, anunta ICE 2013!
31 ian. 2013

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson welcomes ICE 2013!Primarul Londrei, Boris Johnson, anunta ICE 2013!

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson announced the upcoming ICE Totally Gaming exhibition (5th/6th/7th February), which is being held at ExCeL, London’s 4* hotel, the capital’s international exhibition and events centre. The event attracted a record-breaking number of international attendees in 2012, with representatives from 118 nations and The Mayor wants to maintain its reputation also for this year. ExCeL London is a perfectly...

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14 sept. 2012


Ediţia cu numărul 30 a jocurilor olimpice moderne, găzduită de Londra şi împrejurimi, s-a încheiat apoteotic, după ce a început cu o festivitate fastuoasă. Dacă ceremonia de deschidere a fost o desfătare a ochiului, graţie cromaticii şi efectelor vizuale, cea de închidere a fost o odă adresată urechilor, un omagiu creativităţii britanice. Fără să bagatelizăm opinia reprezentantului taximetriştilor londonezi, care a afirmat că jocurile...

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