Betting Techniques– Easy MoneyTehnici de pariere – Easy Money
09 apr. 2012

Betting Techniques– Easy MoneyTehnici de pariere – Easy Money

For today, a few words about one of the most enjoyed betting techniques, the method used by most of the gamblers with or without experience. Because it’s easy to be applied and the games chosen offer a high level of confidence. The Easy Money system involves having a starting stake on a match or on a ticket composed of more games that you consider to be the most sure of regarding the winning chances. This is the first step, because...

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Betting Techniques – Fibonacci SequenceTehnici de pariere – Şirul Fibonacci
17 feb. 2012

Betting Techniques – Fibonacci SequenceTehnici de pariere – Şirul Fibonacci

In the last issues we analised the betting techniques based on the Martingale’s and d’Alembert’s methods. They’re not the only ones. We present you another technique, less known, but successfully put into practice. Fibonacci Sequence, as the betting is called, comes from a mathematical system developed by Leonardo of  Pisa, considered the most talented western mathematician in the Middle Ages.The sequence of numbers which carries his...

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D’Alembert betting techniques Tehnici de pariere – d’Alembert
17 dec. 2011

D’Alembert betting techniques Tehnici de pariere – d’Alembert

Among the most famous betting techniques, we find also the one based on the d’Alembert criterion. And this one was firstly applied in roulette, and was afterwards applied by bettors. Jean le Rond d’Alembert was a French mathematician, physician and philosopher with remarkable results in Mathematics, especially in solving differential equations and partial derivatives.  If we are to synthetize the principle applied in betting,...

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