Specialization vs. Volume: Which would be the most profitable option in sports betting?Specializare vs. Volum: Care ar putea fi varianta cea mai profitabilă în pariurile sportive?
13 feb. 2018

Specialization vs. Volume: Which would be the most profitable option in sports betting?Specializare vs. Volum: Care ar putea fi varianta cea mai profitabilă în pariurile sportive?

by Valentin Macovei Is it better for a punter to play 30 or 300 predictions per month? We will try to answer this question which is on the mind of a great deal of sports betting enthusiasts in the following. Each time, the same ideas are found among the advice provided by sports betting specialists, of which we will list those which are most often mentioned and also commonly supported by professionals: The contouring of a separate...

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Become a hunter of losers and win more often at betting!Transformă-te într-un vânător de pierzători și vei câștiga mai des la pariuri!
22 mart. 2017

Become a hunter of losers and win more often at betting!Transformă-te într-un vânător de pierzători și vei câștiga mai des la pariuri!

by Valentin Macovei I’ll explain how you can use the losers to earn more and more often at sports betting without too much hassle. No, it’s not about you following the tips of that buddy of yours who always manages to choose the wrong results of the matches to play them opposite (though this is not an entirely bad idea), but a betting strategy used mostly by players with large budgets. If I were to ask you who you think...

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How can we make profit from betting in 2016?Cum putem face profit la pariuri în 2016?
04 nov. 2016

How can we make profit from betting in 2016?Cum putem face profit la pariuri în 2016?

by Valentin Macovei We have to choose between 19 online betting operators where we can legally play; the offer is limited and the legislation seems to have messed the fate of the bettors. Is it really that serious the things they say? Increasingly more bettors complain about the current situation of the gambling market in Romania. Indeed, we don’t have access to hundreds of online betting agencies and nor to their promotional offerts....

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19 iul. 2013


Din cele mai vechi timpuri dorinţa de a paria s-a manifestat pe toate meridianele globului, ȋntr-o formă sau alta. La ȋnceput pariurile se realizau ȋntre două sau mai multe persoane și nu implicau neapărat sume de bani. Plăcerea de a avea dreptate și a miza pe acest lucru a atras și atrage pe oricine, atât timp cât acest lucru este realizat ȋn primul rând din plăcere și nu neapărat urmărind un câștig financiar. Ȋn epoca modernă,...

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