Pokerfest Main Event Day 2
26 nov. 2011

Pokerfest Main Event Day 2

Turneul  POKERFEST Main Event a revenit cu ziua a -3-a de competitie aducand la mese 98 de jucatori dornici sa ajunga in bani. Printre cei care au ajuns in aceasta zi de turneu se afla si Alex Piturca, fiul selectionerului nationalei de fotbal a Romaniei. Primii 30 de jucatori vor intra in bani, iar premiile se vor imparte dupa cum urmeaza: Locul 1……………..60,000 euro Locul 2……………..37,200 euro Locul 3…………….20,700 euro Locul...

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The Fundamental Theorem of PokerTeorema fundamentală a pokerului
03 aug. 2011

The Fundamental Theorem of PokerTeorema fundamentală a pokerului

There is a Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and a Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. So it’s about time to introduce the Fundamental Theorem of Poker. Poker, like all card games, is a game of incomplete information, which distinguishes it from board games like chess, backgammon, and checkers, where you can always see what your opponent is doing. If everybody’s cards were showing at all times, there would always be a precise,...

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India’s FinestCe are India mai bun
02 aug. 2011

India’s FinestCe are India mai bun

Teen patti (“three cards” in English), also called Flash, is a gambling card game that originated in India and became popular in South Asia.   How to start the game The game starts with one of the players dealing the cards. The cards are usually dealt counter-clockwise. Before starting the game, usually an agreed number of card(s) is/are picked or dealt to decide the dealer for the opening hand. Each player may be required to put...

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Eduard Norel
26 mai 2011

Eduard Norel

Eduard Norel comes from Brasov, he is 28 years old and already has a great portofolio. He won the fourth position at European Masters of Poker II (2009) and the fifth position at WPT Marrakech (2010). Considering the fact he has studied Managenment and he is a very calculated person, we bet on his first participation within an international tournament very soon.   Why did you start playing poker and tou did not choose something...

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Money and bodypainting in Havana Princess Casino worldBani şi bodypainting în lumea Havana Princess Casino
05 iun. 2010

Money and bodypainting in Havana Princess Casino worldBani şi bodypainting în lumea Havana Princess Casino

16 of April was the day in which those present in Havana Princess could have enjoyed an event with money awards and exciting women, with a unique beauty. The big tombola with great prizes amounting 14.000 Lei aroused the atmosphere and the players persevering in their search for luck. And because the mirage of money cannot reach its high limits only in the feminine presence, more models walked around topless in a bodypainting show,...

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