Vladimir Drăghia (The Bachelor):  ”People who gamble do it for the adrenaline, to satisfy their need of risk”Vladimir Drăghia (Burlacul):  ”Cei care vin să joace o fac pentru adrenalină, pentru a-și satisface nevoia de risc”
30 iun. 2012

Vladimir Drăghia (The Bachelor): ”People who gamble do it for the adrenaline, to satisfy their need of risk”Vladimir Drăghia (Burlacul): ”Cei care vin să joace o fac pentru adrenalină, pentru a-și satisface nevoia de risc”

This issue will present the story of the last “Bachelor” of the reality show broadcasted by Antena 1 in the last few years, which follows the format of the American show The Bachelor. Vladimir Drăghia, the man for who many ladies have sighed during the 2nd season of Burlacul, tells us how he began his career in television, why he left the show and gives us several clues about his future plans. How did your career in television begin?...

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