Labor lawyer Marius-Cătălin Preduț:  ”The grievances of the gambling industry employees affected by the pandemic must become one voice” Specializat în dreptul muncii Avocat Marius-Cătălin Preduț:  ”Vocile angajaților din industria jocurilor de noroc afectați de pandemie trebuie să devină o singură voce”
15 dec. 2020

Labor lawyer Marius-Cătălin Preduț: ”The grievances of the gambling industry employees affected by the pandemic must become one voice” Specializat în dreptul muncii Avocat Marius-Cătălin Preduț: ”Vocile angajaților din industria jocurilor de noroc afectați de pandemie trebuie să devină o singură voce”

Because the fight for the traditional gambling industry reopening is at the beginning and we need as many figures involved as possible, we considered it opportune to have a legal discussion with a professional specialized in labor law. For this reason, we present you an interview with Mr. lawyer Marius-Cătălin Preduț, which we invite you to read carefully because it answers many questions that may have crossed your mind, such as...

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